Iranian newspaper: “Hitler was wise in deporting Jews from Germany”

by time news

An article on the front page of Iranian newspaper Kayhan affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said yesterday that Hitler was “smarter and braver than the current European leaders because he expelled the Jews from Germany.”

While Israel commemorates Holocaust Remembrance Day, a front-page article in the Iranian newspaper: Kian’s affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that Hitler was “smarter and braver than the current European leaders because he expelled the Jews from Germany.”

The article was published while Israel was marking Holocaust Remembrance Day. This is not surprising, as Iranian officials deny the Holocaust. Today, Iran and its affiliates mark El Quds Day around the world with incitement to murder Jews and the destruction of the State of Israel. “The logic that Hitler showed when he expelled them from Germany is that he is wiser and braver than all the current European leaders,” the article said. “Hitler expelled the Jews and European countries confirm the myth of the Holocaust. They are looking for an excuse for their cowardice and humiliation.”

The article refers to a “hard-hearted people” regarding Jews. “A people known for its stubbornness, its objections and its excuses, who see in others their property and themselves. As superior to others and to Gd’s permanent chosen people.” It is further said: “They are corrupting the earth, their scholars are involved in distortion, interest, killing of the Prophet (Muhammad) and murder, they also laid the foundations for the murder of Shiite imams.”

The article warned: “The Zionist regime, which looted the land of Muslim Arabs, Christians and Jews in Palestine and gathered its population from the streets of the Soviet Union and Europe and intends to force it on the region, showed more from the days of Moshe Dayan and the Six Day War “Iran, Africa and South America.”

However, the article emphasized that “of course the Jews in Iran are separated from this extremist and totalitarian thinking.”

The article comes against the backdrop of Al-Quds Day: In the Arab World: Today the Shiite world celebrates “Al-Quds Day”, declared by Iranian ruler Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 as a sign of solidarity with the city and its holy sites to Islam, and Shiite concentrations in the Arab world have already begun marking the event .

In Bahrain, the Shiite opposition held rallies. In the early morning. The demonstrators waved Palestinian flags, chanted slogans condemning the peace agreement with Israel and for the “liberation of Palestine.” This was reported by Roi Keys in Here News.

In Syria, a procession was held in the Old City of Damascus where Hezbollah flags were hoisted and during which the participants chanted slogans condemning the occupation and for solidarity with the Palestinians and their struggle.

In Iraq, there are small demonstrations of solidarity with Shiite concentrations in southern Iraq. The flags of the pro-Iranian militias stand out there.

In Lebanon, the Iranian embassy in Beirut this morning published documentation of a festive Iftar meal held last night at the embassy compound on the occasion of Al-Quds Day.

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