Iranian President: Implement Donald Trump

by time news
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At a two-year anniversary of the assassination of Qassem Suleimani, who was the head of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi said former US President Donald Trump should be put on trial and executed.

Raisi said that “if there is a fair trial mechanism for Trump, Pompeo and the other criminals and if they are punished for their shameful crimes it will be good. And no, I inform all US leaders, do not doubt that the long revenge hand will come out of the sleeve.”

As is well known, two years ago, at the behest of the then US President, the US President eliminated Qassem Suleimani, who had served as head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

Iran has said it will not stop the various operations “until the minds and perpetrators behind the assassination of Saint Suleimani are brought to justice.”

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