Iran’s “National Declaration” announcement warns against defining the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization

by time news

The statement of the “National Resolution” on the Day of the Islamic Revolution of Iran: “We warn the European countries not to make a historic mistake in declaring the Revolutionary Guards as[ארגון] Terrorism because we see this as a declaration of war on the Iranian nation and in such a case they will be forced to meet the IDF in strategic straits and difficult areas

The Kihan daily, the mouthpiece of the Iranian regime, published in its issue of February 12, 2023, the “National Resolution” that was read at the end of the Islamic Revolution Day march in Tehran during the previous day’s celebrations, alongside the cover of the daily that covered the processions throughout Iran. Kihan wrote: “Yesterday, on the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the people took to the streets with the slogan “Death to America” ​​in a grander way than ever before, and showed more clearly than before that they love the leader [עלי ח’אמנאי] and the revolution.”

The Kihan daily cover, in coverage of the Regime Day parades: “Everyone came, the dreams of America and Israel were trampled”

The “national decision” miraculously raised the Koran and the two leaders of Iran’s Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder, and Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, who returned the crown of Islam to its rightful place in the leadership of humanity by Iran. The statement referred to the absolute acceptance of Ali Khamenei’s leadership, his great kindness towards those protesting against the regime in the large civil protest against him in recent months, to the hostility towards the “Satan’s Front” – the West led by the US, in its liberal culture and values ​​especially towards women, and support for the struggle of the resistance axis against Israel and Arab countries rivaling Iran while “strengthening Iran’s strategic depth.” The resolution also included a warning to European countries not to define Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization and a threat in acting against the West in strategic straits and other areas.

Below is the translation of the “National Decision” statement:

“Praise and thanks be to God who brought the Qur’an to illuminate our path and the great blessing of the Prophet of Mercy [מוחמד] and his supporters [השיעיים] to guide us
[כיצד] To overcome the darkness of ignorance, so that we can realize the good and desirable life which is a life of closeness to the kingdom of God and the cause of human happiness. And this, by grasping the firm rope and turning to the guides of revelation [קרי, מייסד משטר המהפכה האסלאמית איתאללה ח’ומיני והמנהיג העליון
של איראן, עלי ח’אמנאי].

Endless gratitude for that at the height of modern ignorance, when the world was filled with heretical regimes [באל]in polytheism and tyranny, we were privileged to be present in the age of the great Khomeini, the reviver of pure Islam, and the awakener of the people immersed in sin, and in the age of the great man [ח’אמנאי] From the seminary of that old sage [ח’ומיני]whose candle of existence warms like a sun burning the existence of the deprived and the barefoot, who brought about the increasing authority of Islamic Iran and brought disappointment to the camp of arrogance [המערב בראשות

The life-giving school of pure Islam
[קרי, המהפכה האסלאמית השיעית] that was caught in the ravages of ignorance of history and caught in misinterpretations and misconceptions that were sometimes targeted, regained its vitality thanks to the guidance of the enlightened old man
[ח’ומיני]and today thanks to the leadership of the supreme leader of the Muslims in the world [עלי ח’אמנאי]. We owe the continuation of the glorious Islamic revolution and the stable peace and security of Iran to the struggle and heroic deeds of the martyrs [בתקופת] The Iran-Iraq war, to the martyrs of the defenders of the “holy places” [כינוי לחיילים האיראנים שנשלחו לסוריה] Especially to the Commander of the Hearts, the martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani [מפקד כוח קודס שנהרג על ידי האמריקאים]to the martyrs
[בתחום] the health and safety and longevity of their families. We believe that in the second phase of the revolution, the new foundations of the great Islamic civilization are guided by an emphasis on the discourse of the guaranteed irreplaceable and identity-giving happiness.

Now, on the day of the revolution in Malat [44 שנים] For the victory of the Islamic revolution, with the slogan ‘strong Iran, 44 years of glory’ at the end of today’s national and glorious parade which is an expression of the solidification of the determination and the unity of the word and the solidarity of the Muslim nation of Iran we proclaim with a loud cry: ‘Allah Akbar, Khamenei is the leader’, the words the following:

We, the leader nation, are wise in the halacha [במקור:
ולאיה, שלטון חכם ההלכה, הכינוי לח’אמנאי]they consider it the most precious legacy of Imam Khomeini, and today more than ever the light of his existence is difficult for devils, bats and people of darkness and ignorance,
[אנו רואים אותו] As a pillar of the Islamic revolution and as a guarantee for the stability and supremacy of the regime of the Islamic Republic [של איראן] And see the existence of Imam Khamenei as a great blessing to the Islamic world. Today we inform all those who seek to weaken the regime or disrupt the internal strength and ranks of the Iranian nation with incorrect analyzes and an intellectual dead end caused by stubbornness, integration, unity, coherence, national unity and empathy of all classes and groups and the support of all ethnic and religious groups in the country is our religious and revolutionary duty And our most important strategy for defeating the enemy.

We, the nation of believers and believers in the Koran and supporters of the Shia [אהל אל-בית] The infallible and the pure, inform the leaders of arrogance
[ארה”ב והמערב] And to the claimants who hide behind false words of freedom of opinion and freedom of expression who, out of fear of spreading the light of the Koran, have turned anti-Islamism and Islamophobia into their hostile strategy [כלפי המשטר] By hiring dirty hands and impure souls they dare and insult the Holy Qur’an, because today the truth of the Holy Book, the Qur’an, has become clearer to the Western man who is confused by man-made schools and thirsts for morality and spirituality and it will not be long before its royal reading [של הקוראן] will resonate throughout the world [ותגרום ל]Thirsty for spirituality and morality to come and shelter under the wings of these heavenly messages [הכוונה לקוראן].

​We are a law-abiding nation, respecting the just approach of the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution [ח’אמנאי] From the beginning of the black pitnah
[הכוונה למחאת הצעירים נגד המשטר שהחלה בספטמבר 2022] He distinguished between the people who acted out of emotion and were deceived [על ידי אויבי המהפכה] and the organizers of the chaos and disturbances, and now, on the anniversary [ה-44] He agreed to the victory of the Islamic revolution out of obedience to the prophets and imams and from the position of power of the Islamic regime and showed another expression of his loving and fatherly approach by granting amnesty and reducing the punishment of a significant part of the accused and convicted in the recent incidents. We ask with all our heart and soul from all cultural institutions to carry out a revolutionary rehabilitation, social rehabilitation and strengthening the mentality of society mainly [בקרב] The youth as the most important cultural strategy and to protect the youth from falling into the traps of evil intellectual currents and the designs of foreign espionage services by correctly explaining and presenting the facts of the revolution in an attractive way.

We, the faithful and fanatical public of Islamic Iran, have for a long time faced the confrontation and the destructive, humiliating and obscene view of Western culture towards women and its terrible results compared to the respectable, progressive and authentic Islamic concept and we are aware of the unique atmosphere that has been created, for the growth and excellence of girls and women in scientific, political, various social and sporting activities and we know very well that respecting the hijab law and the strictness of appropriate clothing resulted in psychological and social security of the society; This leads to the strength of the family, and therefore, we ask the country’s authorities to prevent, by appropriate means, the execution of the evil plans of the enemy and the distortion of the dignity and sublime values ​​of Iranian women.

Today, the Satanic Front, led by criminal America and the Zionist regime, is involved in a very complex combined war and is trying to weaken the permanent elements of the revolution by using its media empire, by questioning the foundations of faith, hiding the achievements of the regime and supporting criminals whose evil reputation is full of crimes against the Iranian nation. Through distortion, lies and the reversal of facts, it seeks to create despair, instability, polarization, disrupt the demarcation with the enemies and ultimately destroy the integrity of Islamic Iran. Therefore, we call on all the elements of thought, culture and thought and those who have the word and the pen to neutralize the evil conspiracies of the enemy while paying attention to the Jihad strategy of information and expressing pure and clear truths of Islamic culture and values.

​On this holy day and as a demonstration of our unity and solidarity, we announce with full authority and willingness to the companies [האנושיות] In the world and the foreign countries, we do not tolerate the sending of anti-revolutionary hired fists accompanied by the media arms of the terrorists and supporting them from Toronto to Berlin under the pretext of supporting the people [האיראני] And we warn the European countries not to make a historical mistake in declaring the Revolutionary Guards as[ארגון] Terrorism because we consider it a declaration of war against the Iranian nation and in that case [מדינות אירופה]
They will be forced to meet the Mosham in strategic straits and difficult areas.

We expect, while fully supporting the honorable government and the faithful and diligent servants of the holy regime of the Islamic Republic, to alleviate the hardships and livelihood pressures of this dear nation by taking appropriate measures and taking basic steps.

We, the visionary and revolutionary nation, declare the legitimacy of the resistance front and emphasize the need to protect and support the oppressed Palestinian people, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, and the strengthening of the strategic depth of the Islamic Republic regime…”

Kihan (Iran), 12.2.2023

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