Iraq, “twelve Iranian-made missiles fired on Erbil against the US consulate and base area”

by time news

In the night between Saturday and Sunday twelve missiles were thrown against the area of ​​the consulate and of US base ad Erbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan. According to preliminary information, these are Iranian-made Fatih-110 missiles. Iraqi security forces officials heard fromAssociated press they reported that “they were launched by Iran“. Lawk Ghafurihead of international media relations of the Kurdish regional government, made it known via Twitter that the consulate was not impressed but the missiles reached the surrounding area. The attack, the agency recalls, comes after a few days ago a missile attack by Israel near Damascus killed two members of the Iranian National Guard.

The Iraqi news agency reports that the health minister of the province has reported that there have not been victims nor injured. The governor of the region Masrour Barzani in a brief statement it “strongly condemned the multiple attacks” and asked civilians to follow the directions of the security forces. “We will not bow to the cowards“, he added. The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kazimspoke on the phone with Barzani and promised an investigation.

The mayor of Erbil, Omed Khoshnawaccording to Jerusalem Post claimed that it is not clear whether the target was the American consulate or the city’s airport. The TV station studios Kurdistsan24 have been damaged. The Shiite religious leader Muqtada al-Sadr tweeted: “Erbil under fire. As if the Kurds were not Iraqis ”.

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