Is a toasted sandwich (un)healthier than a regular one? | To eat

by time news

When you are sick you are often advised to eat toasted bread, because it is easier to digest. But is that right? And is a toasted sandwich (un)healthier than a regular one? Dutch nutritionist Manon Wouters explains.

The fact that toasted bread is easier to digest is true, according to the nutritionist. This has to do with the heat that is released during roasting. “The starch in bread is partially broken down into dextrin by toasting. This is normally the first step in the digestion process. It occurs in the mouth due to amylase in the saliva. By roasting you skip this step and it is indeed easier for your body to digest the food.”

Good digestion and smooth bowel movements

So it is more digestible, but is it also healthier? Walters disagrees. “It is good for your intestines that they are put to work. When heavier digestible food gets through, the intestines remain active and supple. It ensures good digestion and smooth bowel movements.”

The statement that toasted bread is always healthier turns out to be a myth. “However, toasting bread every now and then can be good for you,” explains Wouters. “I would especially recommend it if you are not feeling well. In that case, you can tolerate toasted bread better and your stomach and intestines remain calmer.” So don’t just ignore the advice for when you’re sick.


The rate at which your blood sugar rises is lower with toasted bread.

Less likely to experience an energy dip

Not only is toasted bread easier to digest, it also has a lower glycemic index (GI). This indicates how quickly carbohydrates are digested in the intestines and absorbed into the blood as glucose. Simply explained: the rate at which your blood sugar level rises. “Of course you want to keep that as low as possible. Fluctuations in your blood sugar lead to more hunger, an energy dip and a higher risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.” The lower it is, the less quickly you will be hungry again.

According to Wouters, on the other hand, the difference is minimal. “I don’t think you will notice that anytime soon. It is much more about what you put on your bread or what you drink with it than about the bread itself. Those things have much more influence on the glycemic index of your body than the difference between normal or toasted bread.”

Does the nutritional value of bread change when you toast it?

That leaves the nutritional values ​​of the bread: what about when toasted? You often read that toasted bread would contain more or less calories. “Both statements are incorrect,” Wouters states very clearly. bread – regardless of whether it is toasted or not – and that difference in weight does not apply to the nutritional values,” she concludes.

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