Is ChatGPT getting dumber? A Stanford study says so

by time news

2023-08-08 15:24:07

Futuristic representation of a brain

GPT-4 performance decreased in three out of four fields tested between March and June, according to the study.

(Foto: Moment/Getty Images)

New York, San Francisco A few weeks ago, the first users reported increasing problems with GPT-4, the most modern language model from the Californian developer of artificial intelligence, OpenAI. Now confirms one scientific study of the elite universities Stanford and Berkeley: The previously leading AI system, which is also used by a number of companies in Germany, has become significantly worse in several areas.

The science team asked OpenAI’s systems in June the same questions they asked in March. If GPT-4 used to be much more reliable, the system has recently been making more and more errors. Since then, the AI ​​scene has been discussing the background.

The finding is a warning for users and companies that are already using GPT-4 or the text robot ChatGPT or are building a business model on them. The most important questions and answers.

KI: What did the scientists test at GPT-4?

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