Is fresher breath and better general health possible with a tongue scraper?

by time news

2023-12-27 12:20:32

We see more and more of them. In pharmacies, in holistic wellness and beauty stores and in many social media posts. The tongue scraper, a small U-shaped utensil, is the new accessory to integrate into your morning routine. Obviously, this well-being trend has not escaped Gwyneth Paltrow, popess of wellness, who can no longer do without it. “I get asked a lot about my wellness routine. I start my day using a tongue scraper and an oil mouthwash. You do that and afterwards you have a super fresh mouth in the morning,” said the smiling American actress. ultrabright.

But how to use a tongue scraper? Is it necessary and without risk? And how can cleaning our tongue impact our oral health and our overall health? 20 Minutes carried out the investigation.

Tongue scraper, what is it?

Tongue scraper comes from Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine based on a holistic approach to caring for the body and mind. “In Ayurveda, the tongue is considered a reflection of the general state of health, and its cleaning is part of a purification ritual practiced for more than six thousand years,” explains Claire Nouy, ​​co-founder of Atelier Nubio and author of My morning routines (ed. Marabout). Using a tongue scraper helps detoxify the oral sphere.”

In practice, the tongue scraper is a small utensil in the shape of a U or loop, which is used to scrape the tongue to rid it of the deposit loaded with bacteria, sometimes whitish, even smelly, which forms on its surface. It can be made of plastic, copper or even stainless steel, and only costs a few euros.

What ritual for optimal use?

When it comes to best time to use it, two schools disagree. In Ayurveda, it is a ritual performed in the morning. “During the night, the body is at rest and in a natural detox process, hence this whitish deposit that we can have on the tongue when we wake up,” explains Claire Nouy. This is why cleaning my tongue is my first action of the day, even before drinking water. Simply scrape your tongue gently, from back to front, rinsing your tongue scraper with each pass. It only takes a few seconds, and the results are concrete: we see the “harvest” of our actions every morning. It is an indicator of overall health: it is much more loaded with secretions when I am a little sick or tired. Once we have adopted this gesture, we can no longer do without it.”

A useful gesture, but for Dr Nathalie Delphin, dental surgeon and president of the Union of Women Dental Surgeons (SFCD), “the best time is in the evening before going to bed, to ensure that you have the least amount of bacteria during the night,” she prescribes. Bacteria proliferate if they have “something to eat”. So if you clean your mouth well in the evening by brushing your teeth, cleaning your teeth and your tongue, bacteria will proliferate less.”

What are the virtues of the tongue scraper?

In Ayurveda, good digestion is considered the foundation of health, and good cleaning of the tongue allows “to eliminate bacteria and toxins which could hinder optimal digestion”, indicates Claire Nouy. This also activates the production of saliva which, thanks to the enzymes it contains, effectively ensures the first phase of food digestion. In addition, scratching your tongue prevents toxins and bacteria accumulated on its surface from being reabsorbed by the body, and would thus “strengthen the immune system”.

Bonus effect: ridding the tongue of this unsavory deposit would allow many to find a better taste.

What do dentists and science say about it?

“We have an oral microbiota, it is normal to have bacteria in the mouth, the place where digestion begins,” recalls Dr. Delphin. This microbiota is home to good and bad bacteria: some can be more aggressive, and if we leave food residues allowing them to proliferate and create acids, this will create problems with the tongue, gums, mucous membranes and teeth. Especially since some people have tongues with fairly deep crevices – or crevices – where food and bacteria can get stuck. The tongue scraper is then an important element of oral health and hygiene allowing it to be cleaned without harming it, insists the dental surgeon. This is why it is not recommended to do it with your toothbrush, because the bristles are too aggressive, and this could cause microlesions and inflammation. But many manual toothbrushes have nubs on the back designed for this purpose, which is sufficient for normal tongues. For those who have tongue or gum problems, the tongue scraper allows for gentle and optimal cleaning.”

And if taking care of your mouth is necessary, it is because “oral health is the beginning and reflection of general health,” confirms the dental surgeon. Its color is a good indicator: if you have a red, swollen, painful tongue, or if you have a veil or white filaments, you should consult. Smokers’ tongues may have black and brown spots, because tobacco destroys the tongue. Additionally, having too much bad bacteria and an unhealthy mouth can lead to heart risk, but also increase the risk of stroke. And can also aggravate chronic pathologies: diabetes that we cannot control, hypertension, nervous pathologies.”

Last significant element: bad breath, which “can have several origins, including the maceration of bacteria and food on the tongue,” emphasizes Dr. Delphin. By degrading food particles, bacteria produce smelly volatile sulfur compounds, which the tongue scraper helps remove.” A study published in 2021 in theInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health confirms that “mechanical tongue cleaning is effective in reducing bad breath and tongue deposit.” “Obviously,” insists Dr. Delphin, “this complements brushing your teeth and using interdental floss or brushes.”

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