Is fried food bad? How many times can you eat and how to cook it –

by time news

The invitation to consume it like the centenarians of the blue areas, here are the tricks to be able to grant (without exaggerating) this cooking method, except for specific contraindications

You can enjoy a fried being careful of health by copying from centenary most studied in the world, those of the so-called zone blu (the five places that scientists have identified where there are the highest number of living centenarians): They eat fried on holidays, no more than once a week and first consume a large plate of vegetables rich in soluble fiber, for example chicory, onions, artichokes or Jerusalem artichokes. In the digestive system, fibers act as a magnet and attract part of the fats reducing their absorption, explains Stefano Erzegovesi, psychiatrist and nutritionist. Let it be clear that the daily healthy fried does not exist, despite all possible precautions.

Why to limit?

The high temperature (even up to 190C) involve the production of toxic substances, such as oxidized fats, advanced glycation products called AGE (Advanced Glycation End products) or acrylamide, which by their nature become facilitators of chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome, two conditions that we don’t need if we want to age well. Natural fats are processed by the liver in a way that is beneficial to us. Let’s think about the benefits of extra virgin olive oil, dried fruit, seeds, avocado and, in part, dark chocolate. Instead, the fats from frying they are oxidizedrequire the liver to produce more bile and more work to try to limit the risk of those molecules becoming atheromatous plaques enemies of the heart.

How should the fried food be prepared?

Always fry with new oil and choose a resistant one at high temperatures. Extra virgin olive oil is fine, but its polyphenols can make fried food a little invasive as a taste. The alternative is more neutral refined olive oilpeanut or, if you are allergic to peanuts, high oleic sunflower.

What about the batter?

I recommend, optionally, rice flour, wheat flour, chickpea flour, corn starch and cold carbonated water because the cold surface of the food facilitates the formation of the crust, preventing too much oil from penetrating. If you are gluten intolerant you can make rice and corn starch. Adding tea matcha or rosemary increases the antioxidant effect. Important to dry the food to be fried is fine: the water that remains is transformed into steam which splashes and can cause serious burns.

What is the right portion?

As a party meal, we can say free portion but with common sense, eaten slowly and shared with loved ones.

Any other tips?

Use an infrared thermometer to not exceed 180C so you have a margin of 10-20C before starting to produce toxic substances: when you see the smoke it means that the oil is already oxidized. Opt for a pot that heats slowly, so that burns are avoided and that it retains heat. It is no coincidence that all traditional frying pans are from iron or cast iron. Don’t fry never too many pieces together because the temperature of the oil is lowered with the risk of soaking the food. Better to proceed with 5-6 pieces at a time.

October 26, 2022 (change October 26, 2022 | 09:08)

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