Is it bad to marry young? | Health180

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Acquiring a commitment with another person to bring your lives together can be a big step filled with many changes, so you have to know when to take that big step. whatIt’s bad to marry young? We tell you below.

Is it bad to marry young? / Photo: iStock

Why is it bad to marry young?

The National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women in Mexico warns about some risks that may exist if you decide to get married at an early age, these risks have an impact on a psychological, economic, physical and social level, such as:

  • Emotional voids and existential conflicts difficult to overcome without adequate care. These thoughts can often trigger mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression, as young people who have just made the decision can constantly question who they are and what their purpose is as a person.
  • Life projects are cut short: When you get married when you are young, it is very likely that the housework or the dynamics of the marriage itself do not allow the individual dreams of the couple to come true, this can bring resentment, frustration and feelings of emptiness. that are downloaded with the other person.
  • Relationship problems increase: As there are stagnant emotions and feelings of frustration and heaviness, problems between couples tend to be more common because often when they make this decision, they do so without the consent of the parents and as a consequence they feel displaced and abandoned.

  • Risks in pregnancy and in general to the health of women: A disadvantage of marrying young for women is that many times their body is not fully developed, so there may be complications such as spontaneous abortions, tearing of the uterus or vaginal walls, problems with blood pressure, etc.

  • Difficulty finding work: In general, young married couples see their professional careers cut short, making it more difficult for them to find stable work. This represents more pressure on the couple because with marriage, expenses increase and the urgency to cover the basic needs of the couple and the possible child, put more stress on the marriage.

Is it bad to marry young? / Photo: iStock

What is the youngest age to get married?

In Mexico, according to the Federal Civil Code, article 148 establishes that the minimum age for marriage is 16 years of age for men and 14 years of age for women.

What age is good to get married?

The ideal thing to make a decision as big as getting married is that both interested parties are mature enough to assume the commitment of a marriage. The US National Institute of Mental Health reports that full brain maturity occurs between the ages of 25 and 30.

In fact, the part that matures at this time is the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for developing important skills like planning, decision-making, setting priorities, and impulse control.

For this reason, it is bad to marry young without knowing the implications and commitments that it entails. It is best to marry after the age of 25, this is also beneficial because generally in that age range the objectives and plans are already clear. individual and collective future.

Is it bad to marry young? / Photo: iStock

What is the average age to get married?

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI) revealed that in this country, the average age of people who get married is 33 years for men and 30 years for women. This corresponds with previous information about the maturity of the prefrontal cortex in the brain.

Now that you know some reasons why it is bad to marry youngwe remind you that each case is different and must consider its own factors, and that despite the risks, everyone is free to make their decisions, the important thing is to take care of your health and well-being.

And remember that any commitment made must be with mutual consent and respect towards you and the other person.

If you are still in doubt about whether or not you should get married, we leave you a video with some reasons to postpone marriage.

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