Is it possible to do without toothpaste?

by time news

10:18 PM

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Some oral health experts raised a state of controversy in the medical community, as they indicated the possibility of brushing teeth only, claiming that the paste is useless.

The experts based their claims on the results of studies, according to which the toothbrush is the most important performance for maintaining oral hygiene, while toothpaste does not work in removing plaque.

Also read: 9 possible health harms of toothpaste

Plaque is a sticky layer that forms on the teeth when bacteria in the oral cavity mixes with foods rich in sugars and starches, according to the Cleveland Clinic website.

To get rid of plaque, it is recommended to brush your teeth daily and floss, because if it remains in the mouth, it makes bad breath and increases the risk of cavities and gingivitis.

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And if you want to facilitate the brushing process, you can replace the toothpaste with some natural preparations, such as sodium bicarbonate “baking soda”.

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There are guidelines that must be followed to remove plaque more effectively and prevent it from accumulating in the mouth, including:

Brush your teeth in circular motions.

– Using medical floss after meals, to get rid of leftovers that are difficult to remove with brushing.

Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist and get rid of the effects of acidic and sticky foods.

Avoid sugary foods and drinks, such as sweets and soft drinks.

Also read: From one day to a year – what happens if you don’t brush your teeth?

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