Is it possible to recover from kidney, heart or lung failure?

by time news

A kidney, heart, or lung failurehappens when these organs stop working properly, causing serious complications in health because the body connects with each other to respond to its functions. However, when faced with a diagnosis like this, the outlook seems is possible to recover from kidney, heart or lung failure?

What is the state of health of Ignacio López Tarso?

In the last hours, Juan Ignacio Aranda, son of Ignatius Lopez Tarsusrevealed more details about the health of his father, who for a few days has been admitted to the StarMedica Roma 1 hospital due to a pneumonia and intestinal obstruction that keep it in intermediate therapy.

The also actor, informed the press that the actor, 98 years old, is delicate health due to complications with pneumonia. “The pneumonia was complicated by the kidneys, the stomach, the heart, he is experiencing a complicated situation,” commented Juan Ignacio Aranda.

Is it possible to recover from kidney, heart or lung failure?/ Photo: Screenshot DPM

When asked if there is an estimated date for the First Actor Gets Out Of The Hospital, His son said he was unaware of this information: “I don’t know when, (he leaves the hospital) I’m not a doctor to be able to tell you, as a son I see it well. He responds, he hugged me, we hugged each other, little by little, let’s be patient, he has COPD, he has Renal impairment, In short, nothing works for 100, but it is an oak tree”, he pointed out.

Can a person recover from kidney, heart or lung failure?

The recovery from kidney, heart or lung failure It may depend on various factors, such as the disease severity, age of the patient, their state of health in general, as well as the treatment efficacy. Yes, it is possible to recover from these complications, the problem is that at an older age, the panorama is usually more difficult and takes more time when it comes to severe cases.

The Renal impairment can be acute or chronic, in the case of Don Ignatius Lopez Tarsusit has not yet been confirmed what type of renal deficiency he suffers from, but if it is a acute renal failurethe damage can be temporal y reversible with proper treatment.

Is it possible to recover from kidney, heart or lung failure? / Photo: Getty Images

When the kidney failure is chronicit is a permanent kidney damageTherefore, the recovery process is more difficult because the kidneys need support, such as a dialysis or hemodialysis to work, but not 100 percent, describe specialists at the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute.

On the other hand, the heart failure It is a chronic condition that requires long-term treatment. According to the US National Library of Medicine, making a full recovery can be difficult, but symptoms can be managed to improve quality of life. However, this health problem can severely affect the kidneys or accelerate their failure.

Refering to lung failurecan also be acute or chronic, the problem is that when it is derived from a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) o to pulmonary fibrosisfull recovery is more difficult, especially at an advanced age.

Is it possible to recover from kidney, heart or lung failure? / Photo: Getty Images

Why does heart failure affect other organs?

A heart failure It can affect other organs such as the lungs or kidneys because they depend on each other to function properly. If the heart fails, blood flow decreases and the supply of oxygen or nutrients to other organs is reduced.

when the heart does not pump enough blood to the body, the kidneys are affected because they do not receive enough blood flow to filter toxins from the body, maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, causing a kidney failure.

However, the lungs are also affected, since by not receiving enough oxygen, they accumulate fluid, which makes breathing difficult and causes lung failure.

Although the landscape of Don Ignatius Lopez Tarsus It’s complicated, his son points out that the protagonist of ‘Macario’ really wants to move on. Juan Ignacio Aranda urged to think positively to have a López Tarso at least until he is 100 years old.

We hope that Don Ignatius Lopez Tarsus can recover soon.

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