Is it useful to eat fewer carbohydrates against the “fatty liver”? –

by time news
Of Andrea Ghiselli

The first thing is the elimination of alcohol and a heavy reduction in added sugars. A suggestion could be the use of legumes

My husband was diagnosed with mild fatty liver disease. The doctor told us to reduce carbohydrates and this put us in crisis, because we eat 100 grams of pasta for lunch and a second more vegetables at dinner with a little bread. My husband doesn’t like sweets and drinks a glass of wine a day. I honestly don’t know if it’s the right thing to cut down on carbohydrates, also because I don’t know what to replace them with.

He answers Andrea Ghisellipresident of the Italian Society of Food Sciences (GO TO THE FORUM)

Fatty liver disease (also called fatty liver) commonly recognizes two dietary causes: an excess of fructose and high glycemic index carbohydrates and alcohol. So in a sense it is fair to recommend reducing carbohydrates, but the first thing is the elimination of alcohol and a heavy reduction of added sugars. Although I have no tools to see her husband’s belly from here, I suspect there is. If so, it indicates that the physical activity you are doing is not enough and therefore either you do more or cut some calories. Those from alcohol are the first, followed by added sugars, then he could settle for a smaller portion of pasta: consider that the standard portion 80 grams. To get a homely idea of ​​her husband’s body composition, she tools herself with a tailor’s tape and measures the circumference of the hips and that of the most prominent part of the abdomen and divides the first by the second. Normal values ​​are below 0.9 in males. I don’t think it should replace, but remove. A suggestion could be the use of legumes: few carbohydrates, lots of fiber, high satiating power. Replace the bread with the wholemeal version.

March 13, 2022 (change March 13, 2022 | 15:08)

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