Is Itching Normal In Pregnancy, This problem occurring in the body during pregnancy makes the condition worse, if you know Expert Tips then you will not be in trouble – why is my body itchy all over during pregnancy, how to stop it immediately

by times news cr

2024-08-17 05:37:05
Pregnant women often complain of itching. Sometimes they feel itching in their hands, sometimes in their feet, and some women even feel itching in their hair. This is a very irritating and disturbing thing. Some pregnant women get tensed thinking whether itching is normal or a sign of danger for the baby.

Let us tell you that 20 percent of women feel itching during pregnancy. Sometimes itching increases so much that marks start appearing on the body. Gynecologist and IVF consultant Dr. Asha Gawade has told in a video on Instagram whether itching on the whole body is normal during pregnancy or not.

It is normal to have itching on these parts

According to experts, if you feel itching on your stomach or breasts, then this is normal. Because as the pregnancy progresses, the skin of the stomach and breasts stretches with the accumulation of fat. Dry skin and changes in hormones are also responsible for itching in the body.

Itching in these areas is a matter of concern

If there is itching on other parts of the body like legs, hands, back, then it is a matter of concern. This is called obstetric cholestasis. In this condition, bile starts forming in the liver, which causes swelling. Due to this, the most itching is felt on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. This condition also affects the growth of the child.

How to take care in the second month of pregnancy?


Expert’s special advice

Doctors believe that excessive scratching can cause scratches on the body. Instead, it is better to use oil or pack on the skin. These things provide moisture to the skin and do not cause stretch marks. Women who use scrubbing tools on the stomach should avoid this.

What to do to avoid itching?

  • To avoid itching during pregnancy, one should take bath with lukewarm water.
  • Avoid staying outside for too long during summer days.
  • Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes, this will protect your skin from irritation.
  • Don’t forget to apply lotion or cream after bathing.
  • Try to avoid worrying and stressing over small matters.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Keeping the air moist and cool can reduce skin dryness.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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