Is Netanyahu listening? Subliminal reveals who will vote

by time news

The forgiveness of The rapper duo: This week it was announced that Subliminal and the Shadow, the duo of rappers who were partners in the past but had been apart for a decade, made a reconciliation. After the apology, more news arrived, the duo announced an upcoming collaboration, at its peak they announced a reunion performance that they are planning for the fans very soon.

Hetzel will vote for Laban Gabir

At the press conference held by the two, not only the performance and the apology made headlines, but also the elections that will be held next week. When asked who they were going to vote for, the two answered. Hatel, a prominent far-right political activist, did not come as a surprise when he said he would vote for Ben Gabir, in the past he even took a picture with him and spoke at the Knesset member’s conferences.

The Shadow with Itamar Ben Gabir Photo: Gili Yaari/Flash90

Subliminal votes for Netanyahu “loves him very much”

His partner, Subliminal said: “I am voting for Binyamin Netanyahu and I must add and say that I love him very much, everything I see and hear about him is very disturbing to me.” The rapper continued and urged the voters to come out and participate in the elections: “We encourage everyone to go vote no matter what sector or what their opinion is, Israel’s democracy needs to be protected. May we have successful elections of more than 61 mandates.” To the question of whether he plans to run for the Knesset, the rapper answered emphatically: “No way.”

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