Is Putin sick? “He is not crazy but …”, the psychiatrist’s opinion

by time news

Is Putin sick? An expert believes that the Russian president is not crazy and that this type of narrative only creates problems for those suffering from these disorders

L’invasion of Ukraine by the Russia opens the terrible scenario of a third World war which in all likelihood would see the use of nuclear weapons. Such a prospect scares the world but it doesn’t seem like that Vladimir Putin could take a step back in case the Then intervened with a direct military intervention in the war. Many believe that only a madman could push humanity towards the nuclear holocaust, so much so that rumors have been circulating for some time that the Russian president is sick. Putin do you actually have a mental disorder?

Is Putin sick? “A mistake to call it crazy, it stigmatizes those who really suffer from psychiatric disorders”

“Confusing the different personalities, from the narcissistic to the antisocial one, with the real mental illness is wrong and feeds harmful prejudices for millions of people with serious mental disorders”, he writes Massimo Cozzapsychiatrist and Director of the Mental Health Department of theASL Roma 2his The expert underlines that there is no automatic association between mental illness and dangerousness as confirmed by the longitudinal study “National epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions”.

The same study states that the schizophreniathe major depression e bipolar disorder they are not factors that allow us to predict an excess of violence. The level of danger is slightly higher when people suffering from severe mental disorders do substance abuse. Indeed, suffering from psychiatric problems is often a victim of violence and not a protagonist. “In order not to stigmatize millions of citizens with serious mental disorders – concludes the expert – it would be better for everyone, starting with the mass media, to reflect before affirming that Putin is a” crazy criminal “.

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