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by time news

Kyiv: Defense experts say anti-tank missiles, newly added to Ukraine’s arsenal, have changed the atmosphere of the Russia-Ukraine war in just a matter of days. The use of ‘javelins’ handed over by the USA was also crucial in this.

Russia, stunned by Ukraine’s new war strategy, is working hard to mobilize more troops in the region. The UK has revealed in the past few weeks that it has shipped to Ukraine its 3,615 short-range ‘Next Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon (NLAW)’ missiles and launchers used to launch them.

Germany also said it was sending 1,000 anti-tank missiles. Norway (2,000) and Sweden (5,000) later announced that they had delivered anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. At the same time, the U.S. has not yet officially released the number of missiles it has delivered. Over the past few days, Ukraine’s use of these sophisticated weapons has become a bulwark against Russian forces.

Javelin advancement

Among the billions of dollars worth of weapons delivered by the US to strengthen Ukraine’s stockpiles are the ‘Javelin’. According to the Pentagon’s annual budget estimates, weapons delivered to Ukraine include 10 javelin launch units and 763 missiles purchased in 1901 for $ 190.3 million.

Philips O’Brien, professor of strategic studies at the University of Tent Andrews in Scotland, said civilians were actively involved in raising funds to supply arms to Ukraine. The Ukrainian people strengthened their resistance and the tactical flaws set back the Russian occupation. At the same time, with the advent of sophisticated anti-tank missiles, all of Russia’s calculations went awry.

Experts in the Russian military testify that the ‘javelin’ weapons are capable of destroying even the most advanced tanks in the possession of the Russian military.

Large tank and drop

Javelins and NLADBs strike the very top of the tanks. The protective shield of the tanks will be the weakest here. Javelins are also known as weapons of fire (Forget and Forget) after launch. This is because the attackers have the opportunity to move to safer places after the poisoning. It also avoids counter-attacks based on the location of the attack.

Russia’s 214 tanks, including the state-of-the-art 76T-90 tanks, have been reportedly destroyed or seized by Ukraine. Ukraine claims to have destroyed more Russian tanks. The Russian Defense Ministry has not yet released the number of tanks lost. Meanwhile, Ukraine reportedly lost 65 tanks.

In addition to weapons obtained from foreign countries, Ukraine already had a number of anti-tank weapons, including those of the Soviet era and later domestically manufactured. Although not as efficient as the Javelins and NLADBs, they are excellent at attacking warplanes.

Video footage of dozens of tanks and other vehicles being seized by Russian troops touring Ukraine was widely circulated on social media. Such experiences are sure to be a great lesson to the Russian military.

English Summary: Ukraine’s Anti-Tank Missiles Could See Russia Shift War Tactics

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