Is the computer screen really damaging our eyes?

by time news
Forcing the eye to continuously accommodate to stare at a screen causes eye muscle fatigue that can result in headaches at the end of the day. AdobeStock

DECRYPTION – Everyone has already experienced it: a day spent in front of a screen can end in a headache and sore eyes. But what about the longer term effects?

Feeling of discomfort, redness, tingling, dazzling, dry eyes… Who, after a day spent in front of the computer, has never had the unpleasant impression of having worn out eyes, to which are sometimes added headaches? However, whether for work or for leisure, hardly a day goes by without the need for screens. “Today, our life happens on the screens. Almost 60% of the population spends more than 6 hours a day on it», even believes Professor Bahram Bodaghi, head of the ophthalmology department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (Paris) and general secretary of the French Society of Ophthalmology. But does all this time spent in front of screens harm our eyes?

One of the risks that we most often hear about is undoubtedly that linked to blue light from screens. Whether natural or artificial, all light sources contain blue light. But LEDs (light emitting diodes) – now used…

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