Is the interior of the car a safe place during a thunderstorm?

by time news

We are driving at night in our vehicle and suddenly we are surprised by one of those storms whose lightning bolts They illuminate everything around us as if it were day.

To avoid suffering an accident in these circumstances, we must first adapt our way of driving to that adverse weather: the speed will be according to the visibility, the traffic and the conditions of the road; we will avoid sudden maneuvers and we will keep the safety distance in case the car slides more than necessary on the wet pavement. Be very careful with the dreaded aquaplaning!

At times like this, the maintenance of our vehicle is also put to the test. Carry windshield wipers and headlights in perfect state It will allow us a correct visibility and having the brakes and tires in good condition will guarantee us a firm and safe driving.

Las figures that are handled on the lightning of storms are amazing: lightning is capable of carrying currents of up to 800,000 volts of voltage that represent 30,000 amps, which generate heat worth 8,000 degrees Celsius of temperature. In short, impossible to survive the impact of one of them!

A rear view mirror full of raindrops on a rainy day. Freepik

However, more than once you will have heard that Caran apparently very fragile object compared to the magnitude of the ray, it is a safe place in case of storm and that it is the best place to take refuge from a possible electric shock. But do you know why?

The main reason, apart from the fact that the wheels are insulating, is that the vehicle body is a conductor of electricity. This is due to the so-called faraday effect or faraday cage which consists of the rays passing through the exterior of the body to the ground without causing any type of damage to the occupants.

This effect, which is applied to protect commercial aircraft or electronic equipment such as radio and television repeaters located in high places, owes its name to the scientist Michael Faraday. This researcher participated in his own experiment to show that the electric field inside a closed conducting surface is zero. He came out alive after sitting inside a large metallic sphere through which he passed a strong electrical current.

A car under a tree in heavy rain. Freepik

How should you be inside the vehicle?

As we have already said, staying inside the vehicle in the event of a storm is safe, but it is worth following some advice offered by EuroTaller. Some of them are:

1- Avoid contact with metal parts.

2- Turn off the radio.

3- Close the windows.

4- Do not stop the car near metal fences or electrical ducts.

5- Stay away from areas with puddles or water rafts and wet areas.

6- It takes a while to get out of the car. If your vehicle has been struck by lightning, the metal surface will have remained charged and leaving before the vehicle has discharged to ground, can cause you to close the circuit by touching the metal surface and stepping on the ground. This could cause you from a strong cramp to more serious injuries.

7- Stop the vehicle as far as possible. Lightning can generate a voltaic arc between the rim and the ground, discharging and causing the tires to burst due to the rise in temperature. If you can, stop the vehicle and, if not possible, reduce speed.

A car stopped on the side of the road. Freepik

8- ground wire. Your car will be safer because this cable, used to avoid static current, will guarantee the discharge of the tension of the sheet metal.

9- Best in populated areas. In the city, with the presence of lightning rods, it is more difficult for lightning to reach us. However, outside of town we should avoid high places.

10- Sure, but no a 100%. It has been shown that the car is a safe place, but like every rule it has its exception and there will always be a glimmer of danger because the lightning can find its way into the interior of the vehicle where there is air and this is ionizable.

In any case, it does not hurt that in case of a storm you remember the 30/30 rule: If you see lightning and thunder is heard before you count to 30, run for shelter because the storm is near; In addition, you should suspend any outdoor activity until half an hour after the last lightning strike.

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