Is there a mistrust of scientists?

by time news

Published on : 26/05/2022 – 19:21

Is there today a mistrust of science? The scientific word is increasingly questioned, even discredited. There are, for example, and this sometimes makes you smile, the “platistes”: those who believe that the Earth is flat. There are also, and this is much less laughable, the “climate skeptics”: those who doubt global warming, its causes and its consequences.

Even more recently, at the height of the pandemic, we heard from the “covido-skeptics”: those who doubted the mortality or the very existence of Covid-19, and those who doubted the vaccines proposed to respond to it. Wacky theories have proliferated, often to the detriment of scientific knowledge. So, is this indeed a real distrust of science? How can we explain and fix it?

To discuss it :

– Michel Duboissociologist research director at the CNRS

– Yves Charpakmedical specialist in public health and president of the Charpak foundation, the spirit of science

– Frédéric Wormsphilosopher, professor of contemporary philosophy, director of the École Normale Supérieure

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