Is there bipolar disorder in children? doctor has the answer

by time news

2023-07-11 18:00:07

According to the WHO, there are about a billion people with some type of mental disorder.
Some celebrities who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, and Steve Jobs.
Bipolar disorder in children is real and although it is not frequent, some cases have been reported.

Bipolar disorder is usually identified in adolescents or young adults, but can it also occur in children? Although it is unlikely, it is actually possible. Broadly speaking, it is characterized by causing extreme changes in mood, from feelings of euphoria, called mania or hypomania, to severe depression.

Emotional distress and behaviors that disturb others are common in childhood and adolescence. In most cases these behaviors are not a sign of a mental health problem that needs to be treated.

According to Dr. Paul Croarkinwho is director of Mayo Clinic Children’s Research Center, all children have difficult periods. Sometimes they feel down, irritable, angry, hyperactive, or impulsive. However, if the symptoms are severe or ongoing, or cause serious problems, it may be more than just a phase.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder in children

Severe mood swings that are different from your usual mood swings. These changes happen often, can last a long time, and greatly affect the way a child acts. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness and aggressiveness, which affect her social behavior and how she acts in other areas of life. Racing thoughts, which sometimes manifest when you change the subject quickly and frequently while speaking. Risky and careless behaviors, out of the ordinary, such as having casual sexual relations with many partners. Other examples are the abuse of alcohol or the misuse of medications, or the excessive spending of money. Inability to sleep or significant decrease in the need for sleep. Depressed or irritable mood most of the day, almost every day, during a depressive episode. An exaggerated idea of ​​capabilities that is not based on reality. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors. These symptoms occur more often in older children and adolescents. Loss of contact with reality, such as seeing things that are not there or believing that someone is trying to harm them.

When a child or adolescent with Bipolar disorder You have symptoms, it’s called an episode. Between these episodes, they may return to their usual behavior and mood.

It is important to remember that these symptoms alone cannot determine if there is a Bipolar disorder. This is because these symptoms may be related to other problems, such as:

Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. Autism spectrum disorder. Oppositional defiant disorder. Conduct disorder. Anxiety disorder. major depression. Substance use disorder.

Previous experiences that were distressing or painful, often referred to as traumatic experiences.

Identifying a mental health condition can be difficult because these conditions can co-occur with bipolar disorder.

Making a diagnosis of bipolar disorder is complicated. It usually involves multiple assessments, sessions, and sources of information. There are no laboratory, genetic, medical, or brain imaging tests that a health care provider can use to diagnose bipolar disorder.

Also read:

Mental illnesses, how many new medicines are in development?

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments, and Stigmas

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