Is Türkiye being turned into the garbage dump of the EU in particular and the West in general by “shaking it off”? 2024-02-17 08:30:05

by time news

Birol Kılıç, Vienna, Analysis-Observation, 17.02.2024

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Szijjarto, during an official visit to Ankara the other day, „If we cannot stop illegal immigrants from reaching Europe, we will lose Europe, we do not want that. For this reason, we constantly support Turkey against the pressure of illegal immigration.” said.

Many people outside the government in Ankara “We lost Turkey, which Europe is he talking about?” The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary probably thinks he is in Brussels. Maybe this speech can be made while threatening them, but what is this speech in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, which is literally the EU’s dumping ground for illegal and irregular immigrants with pressure, bribes and official money? It’s not for nothing that they shake their heads. Are they unfair?

Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto, who made these statements in Ankara, should be asked urgently:

What kind of support will this be?

Hungary and the EU really want to close the 524 km long Iran-Turkey border, or the 378 km long Iraq-Turkey border, or the 877 km long Syria-Turkey border, in the same way that Greece and Bulgaria, which are full EU members, are preventing billions of immigrants from coming from Turkey. Does he want to back it up with the euro, barbed wire and high security technology?

Or illegal immigrants crossing into Turkey by sea?

Nobody believes the Hungarian Foreign Minister’s statement that we want to help Turkey.

The Italian Prime Minister was in Turkey a month ago and asked Erdoğan more directly: “Since the Albanian Constitutional Court stopped these projects, can we send our illegal Africans, who have one hand in their pockets and one hand on their head, to our homeland, Italy, from Africa, our sea neighbor, and Can we pay you for them from EU funds per head?

Let’s sit crookedly and talk straight. The EU knows that there is no democracy and the rule of law in Turkey and that it has been destroyed by the government. The EU knows that Turkey has been turned into a bribery, qualified fraud and mafia center of the world.

In this environment, all the EU wants is to silently “deport” the illegal immigrants who come to their country to protect their homeland and citizens, who do not have refugee rights and who come illegally as economic immigrants, by taking advantage of Turkey’s helpless situation and using bribe money against the interests of the Turkish people. .“

The next question should be: Is Turkey the EU’s dumping ground for irregular immigration or for sending back “illegal immigrants” by paying headcount?

We drew attention in our analysis we wrote on December 20, 2023: “The EU published the refugee and illegal immigration agreement: Bad news for the Turkish people. Ultimately, the EU illegal immigration and refugee agreement will have very negative consequences for the local people living in countries such as the Turkish government, which has turned the country into an illegal immigration prison in exchange for money. Europe officially announced the EU asylum and illegal migration agreement this morning, which protects itself by law. As announced today by the European Union Presidency, Spain, as well as the Council Presidency and the EU Commission, representatives of EU member states and the European Parliament have reached a final agreement on the relevant legal texts after years of debate. As a result, the EU Commission first proposed new rules in 2016. This is the breakthrough after years of negotiations. However, the negotiations were very difficult until the end. While countries such as Hungary did not find the proposals harsh enough, aid organizations and some sections of the left and the Greens expressed concerns that human rights were not sufficiently respected in asylum procedures.“

Is it a lie that they claim that they are officially “deporting” illegal immigrants who have come to the EU to Turkey by complying with EU laws, for a price per head? Hungary will play the leading role here. Supposedly, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, AKP leader and President Erdoğan got along very well. Was the Maarian government, which was asked to be expelled from the EU because it did not comply with the rules, given the task of taking care of Turkey from the EU? It needs to be asked urgently, what kind of friendship is this with Hungary? How Does ?

„Keriz shaking“

Experts define the “cherry shake” as follows:

a) A two-man robber team hits the drunk, old person, etc. they choose, and then they say “excuse me, brother” and pretend to fix their clothes. After this experience, which does not hurt like a phone vibration, you realize that the phone has become a camel and has become Turkey’s underground and overground rich people, or a concentration camp for immigrants that the EU does not want.

b) Currency shakeout is the artificial increase in the value of a stock or another investment instrument and then the price of this investment instrument falls, causing investors to face huge losses. This fraud method is usually carried out by targeting small or medium-sized investors.

Until now, Hungary has been sending these immigrants, who have been coming to its country since 2015, to Austria through the Austrian border, in violation of EU laws, and those who fled from there to Germany.

Germany and Austria also reacted to this. Meanwhile, as Hungary is a country that constantly receives aid from the EU, the fact that this money goes to the Hungarian government channels through bribery and qualified fraud, and yet democracy and the rule of law in Hungary are trampled on is an issue that is constantly on the agenda of Brussels, the capital of the EU. We follow that the question of whether Hungary is playing with both the “European Union” through Christianity and the “Turkic republics” through Turkishness by “trading” through its own Machiavellian and opportunist ruling interests is on the EU agenda. If the Hungarian government is a truly friendly country to the Turks, it should not play the “Keriz shake-out” game with Turkey and the Turkish people, no matter what.

Our other questions with a few examples

An illegal immigrant who enters the first EU country cannot be sent to another EU country.

Hungary has officially broken these laws accordingly since 2015. He directed real refugees and illegal economic immigrants coming to his country to Austria and Germany. Austria rightly said “stop” by officially protecting its borders by deploying soldiers and police, despite Schengen, starting from 2022.

Illegal immigrants entering Austria in 2023 decreased from 110 thousand to 55 thousand.

The EU compiled illegal immigration laws in draft form under the leadership of Austria at the Luxembourg meeting of EU Internal Affairs Ministers in mid-2023 and enacted these laws as EU laws in Brussels. This is where Hungary lost its tail.

Hungary was the first to oppose these laws. Because Hungary was sending illegal immigrants to the EU, especially those who came to its country via Austria, by opening its borders and, in Orban’s words, by whipping them, and thus most of the economic asylum seekers coming from Afghans, Syria, Iraq, Indians, Africa and other countries were not kept in their country.

Some people may find this right and right from the perspective of Hungary, but here it was an illegal step to direct these people because the Austrian borders were open due to Schengen. Now, according to the EU’s new laws, Hungary must take back the first illegal immigrant who enters Hungary, even if they arrive in Germany. Money will be given to Hungary per head.

That’s why Hungary wants to officially insult Turkey through its Minister of Foreign Affairs, saying “it’s a waste of time” in Turkey. Because he knows. Turkey is in an economic disaster and wants to cause trouble for the poor Turkish people by sending these illegal immigrants directly to Turkey or most of the money it will receive from the EU.

Illegal immigrants who are sent to countries that do not have external borders of the EU (for example, Austria or Almanza, etc.), especially through Hungary, which is a full member of the EU, are sent back to Hungary by paying 10 thousand Euros or more per head. Hungary does not want irregular migration or “illegal immigrants” whom it “whips” and sends this money from its own country to Austria and Germany in particular. We understand from the speeches of the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs that the Hungarian government, seeing the problem at the door of the EU, will do its best to officially send these immigrants to Turkey instead of keeping them in its own country, using fancy words.

That’s why we have to ask! It is obvious that Hungary’s Foreign Affairs Minister Szijjarto is excited and an illusion. Statements such as “We will lose Europe” mean irregular migration or “illegal immigrants” coming to Hungary. Is he in Turkey to literally “sell” the people he calls “to Turkey for head-to-head payments” with the money he will receive from the EU?

An Ankara government that is resilient and honest with its people should not accept this.

Didn’t Italian Prime Minister Meloni offer to pay the illegal immigrants of African origin who came to his country last week? Hasn’t Turkey officially become an open-air prison and garbage dump for irregular immigrants or “illegal economic immigrants” who want to come to the EU and have come, thanks to EU pressure, lobbying and money?

That’s why esteemed Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Szijjarto said:„If we cannot stop illegal immigrants from reaching Europe, we will lose Europe, we do not want that. For this reason, we constantly support Turkey against the pressure of illegal immigration.“ We have difficulty finding their statements sincere.

Hasn’t Turkey, which has received the highest number of irregular immigrants in the world and ‘illegal economic immigrants’, turned into a swamp with its already existing bribery, qualified fraud, immorality and religious mongering?

Are there no surface and underground attacks on the properties of Turkey, which is seen everywhere as a sinking ship?

Look at the massacres of nature and people in Erzincan İliç, caused by a Canadian gold exploration company with collaborators of the local government. Look at Turkey’s rivers, forest fires, lakes and streams, they are all the same disgrace. The dear state and nation are not governed. He either gives up or his property is destroyed.

Isn’t this much impudence towards the citizens of the Republic of Türkiye?

If these allegations are true, why does the Ankara government allow this?

Last week, 400 million Euros of the 1 billion Euros promised by the EU after the earthquake, the disaster of the century, were signed and sent to Turkey last week, without any questions. It was stipulated that this money should be spent to protect the earthquake zone infrastructure, houses and cultural values, but the EU does not stand by. He gives the money to the Ankara government and steps aside. Why doesn’t he control this grant with the taxes paid by citizens in the EU?

The EU has brought rules. This money was supposed to flow to projects in the earthquake zone in Turkey within 18 months. After 6 months, the Ankara government will report to the EU about these projects. Why doesn’t the EU control these currencies for 18 months from the beginning? The EU gives an additional 6 months after these 18 months. Isn’t the EU, which says, “Report to me where you spent the money I paid for 400 million Euros of earthquake aid,” literally saying, “Steal the minaret and make up its cover for the government?” Is 1 Billion Euros being paid as a bribe to Turkey under the guise of earthquake aid from the EU to take illegal immigrants from the EU to Turkey?

The deplorable situation of Hatay after a year is obvious. First of all, this is the last 400 million Euros, but can 1 billion Euros be spent to protect Hatay’s infrastructure and cultural values?

It is obvious who owns the flats in the buildings built in the earthquake area the other day. It’s a complete disgrace.

Turkey is officially treated like a sinking ship both internally and externally.

It’s obvious that they attacked the sinking ship. The people were intimidated, impoverished and intimidated. An incredible picture in 2024…

Resources Birol Kılıç’s other analysis and news on the subject

09.06.2023 /EU Asylum Summit in Luxembourg: EU countries agreed on tougher asylum rules! What about Türkiye?

12.96.2023 / Tunisian President Kays Said: “We will not be the border guard of Europe” Immigration exit from Tunisian President Kays Said: “The solution will not be to the detriment of Tunisia. “We cannot guard their countries like Türkiye.”

16.07.2023/ Tunisia, which will receive money from the EU against illegal immigrants, accepted the agreement – Example Turkey agreement

16.11.2023/Scholz meets with Erdoğan: Is the goal to send illegal immigrants from Germany and the EU to Turkey with money?

20.12.2023 / EU published the refugee and illegal migration agreement: Bad news for the Turkish people

2024-02-17 08:30:05

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