Is waking up the French on the wrong track?

by time news

2023-10-31 17:58:57

TRIBUNE – We must emerge from amnesia, this amnesia which leads to apathy, in order to act, in order to be a political actor, for oneself and for all. Spotting the same dysfunctions, for so-called health purposes, but also climatic, but also terror. See these common points which lead to ever more restrictions, to suppression of fundamental freedoms, to more and more control over everything, even over the most everyday and trivial acts, from dematerialization towards a digital whole for a mechanistic mode, towards single-mindedness to follow only contradictory and meaningless injunctions; to become obedient without conscience, to function like puppets. Fifth part: Awakening the French, is this taking the wrong path?

By hearing it, I come to the point of no longer being able to bear it, that if France is there, that if we are there, it is the fault of the people, the fault of the French, who do not are not awake.

A false belief of certain journalists? From certain politicians too? Who would thus give themselves an objective, who also justify their work to remove the protest, and legitimize their call to regroup around them, to finance them…

When I very awake, by warning through my writings from 2006 on the environmentalist, then security, and today health abuses, whose manipulative tricks are nevertheless very visible with this guilt inflicted even excessively, which should however not deceive, or at least make people wary …

Very awakewhen I also warned by opening my current site, of the liberticidal and unhealthy state of emergency of 2015, the extension of which could not allow any effectiveness on the security of the country and the French.

Et very awake again, since the election of Macron, writing a mood post every month when the initial project was only to be aphorisms, but the extent of this bad governance quickly converted into longer texts; and more since March 2020. Adding specific texts on this “crisis” scripted to remove from each French person any control over our lives, preventing any projection of the future, any prospects, even in the short term.

And yet, what does it allow me to do to be very awake ?

Unless you suffer bitter disappointments. With those who officially say they are fighting against it, but who in reality only associate themselves with themselves, like the Politician, falsely open, with regret. With other media, these media described as alternative to which I wrote, which sometimes respond to me, sometimes publish me, but leaving me powerless, and in fact voiceless. With other officiants on social networks that I had contacted, hoping that a grouping would make them stronger, even more daring.

To note the obvious with sadness: so many divisions!

When already one of the deleterious effects – undoubtedly intended? – of these rulers, is to no longer believe, so much the vagueness, the contradictions, the unscrupulous lies, are aligned.

When those who pose as counter-power also make us doubt their sincerity…

SO very awake and trying to inform on what I sensed and then knew, to act, and to become one with others. Which mainly resulted in making me suffer terrible disillusionment.

Indeed and unfortunately, let us remember that knowledge is not power.

When everyone accuses the government, and rightly so, of taking the unvaccinated for scapegoats, what are these people doing who say that the situation comes from the fact that the French are not “woke”? Looking for those at fault, under the cover of issues – to no doubt reduce one’s feeling of helplessness – what a waste of time and energy.

Also, “one” solution does not exist. That sincerity supposes groping, without excluding being able to act, finding action, even imperfectly, without necessarily certainty about the result.

Except that of doing and being with the right mindset.

That it’s about feeling what is, and to do this, raising your head from the handlebars, getting out of the spiral of doing for the sake of doing.

And to accept that there will always be gullible people, followers, opportunists, intellectuals with egos too fragile to question themselves, psychopaths; of these people who disconcert us, who revolt us, who make us angry.

But which require us to use our intelligence to resist the temptation of misanthropy, useless and exhausting.

Reminding us that battles have been won despite these few people, who have existed throughout time.

Being awake not enough. And these actions to awaken, even sincere ones, only create resentment. Even more so among those who are lucid. Who end up exhausting themselves by being.

On the other hand, (re)finding to believe, trusting, giving confidence, learning to appreciate; ultimately that we can summarize as ability to lovelove oneself, love others.

Surround yourself with what allows you to feel that feeling again. The smiles, the joy of living, the humor, the energy, the ingenuity…

To reconnect with the thread of our lives. And the best first step to cultivate art of living and freedom, that some persist in wanting to confiscate us to give themselves the illusion of being powerful, even immortal.

Let’s leave them to their megalomania.

And let’s resume our connection to life step by step. Let’s start from there, to act as best as possible.

A first version of this text has been published on the website by Laurence Waki, writer and philosopher, 11/28/2021.

#waking #French #wrong #track

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