Ishiba reviews Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi and election committee chairman Koizumi… Suga and Moriyama are likely to be appointed as well.

by times news cr
AP Newsis

The Asahi Shimbun reported on the 28th that Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s President Shigeru Ishiba is coordinating the appointment of General Affairs Chairman Hiroshi Moriyama as secretary general, the party’s second-in-command.

Governor Ishiba also plans to reappoint Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi of the Kishida administration as Chief Cabinet Secretary. Coordination is underway to appoint former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga as vice president of the party, but the final decision is made based on Suga’s own wishes.

Moriyama served 7 terms (1 in the House of Councilors) with the 4th district of Kagoshima in the House of Representatives, and served as Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, as well as Chairman of the National Assembly Committee of the Liberal Democratic Party and Chairman of the Election Committee. He has been serving as the party’s general secretary since September of last year. President Ishiba is expected to have a high level of coordination by building amicable relationships with the ruling and opposition parties as a ‘party-in-pa (politician from an ordinary party rather than a bureaucrat, soldier, or royal family)’.

Yoshimasa Hayashi, who served as key Foreign Minister and Chief Cabinet Secretary in the Kishida Cabinet, also ran as a candidate in the current Liberal Democratic Party presidential election. In the first round of voting, he came in fourth place, following former environment minister Shinjiro Koizumi. He understands policies in a wide range of fields and boasts high answering skills. Asahi reported that he has had a close relationship with President Ishiba since he was young, having opened a study group on diplomacy and security together.

NHK reported that Governor Ishiba has confirmed his intention to appoint former Environment Minister Koizumi, who competed in this governorship election, as chairman of the party’s election campaign committee.

Shinjiro Koizumi, the second son of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, is 43 years old and is a 5-term elected representative from the 11th ward of Kanagawa in the House of Representatives. We are active in a non-factional manner within the party.

This was his first time running for governor, and although he did not make it to the runoff election, he received 75 votes, the most among assembly members, and was evaluated to have shown his presence by ranking third overall in the first round of voting.

Koizumi met with reporters after the presidential election on the 27th and said that since the new president Ishiba was elected with the support of lawmakers and party members, he will properly implement what he can to support him.

NHK reported that President Ishiba appears to be seeking to achieve harmony within the party by appointing Shinjiro Koizumi, who has garnered a certain level of support within the party, while also accelerating the operation of his administration by taking advantage of his high popularity and communication power.


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2024-09-29 00:34:36

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