ISIS database was seized in Istanbul! Austrian intelligence is after the secret list containing the information of 10 thousand assassins!

by time news

2023-08-14 16:25:04

Istanbul/Vienna. According to the news published by the “Krone” newspaper, it is said that the National Intelligence Organization, whose short name is MİT, has a list of the names of approximately 10 thousand potential assassins of the terrorist organization ISIS, which has been kept secret until now. It is feared that sleeper cells, also mobilized as “lone wolves”, could launch an attack at any time – with trucks, cars, weapons or explosives. It was noteworthy that the Austrian Ministry of Internal Affairs Krone gave this news and confirmed it the next day. At the end of the news, it was noteworthy that an important expert made sentences claiming that “AKP’s President Erdoğan is playing the coy bride to turn these lists into money on the western states in order to relieve the Turkish economy, which is in a difficult situation.”

Since the news in Krone concerns both Turkey and Austria, Yeni Vatan Newspaper Vienna Central News Desk translated the German news published verbatim for you as follows:

Kutsal kase

The secret list of ISIS jihadist fighters was once in the possession of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was killed nearly four years ago during a special US operation in Syria. After his successor blew himself up while being captured by the American army in Syria, he was nearly killed among international intelligence services. Kutsal Kase This is considered extremely Trace of the explosives file disappeared.

Ten million dollars for bomb file

In any case, ISIS tortured and killed many people it called traitors in order to find the secret list. Eventually, Iranian agents offered a treacherous ISIS terrorist approximately ten million dollars for this dossier. The exchange was supposed to take place in the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul, but the Turkish military intelligence service, which is considered the most knowledgeable intelligence service in the Middle East along with Israel’s Mossad, secretly overheard the MIT sales negotiations. And when this reporter got off the plane at Istanbul airport, he accessed the internet with a USB stick. At the same time, handcuffs were placed on a group of five waiting Iranian buyers.

Intelligence services lined up for Erdoğan

Now all intelligence services are lining up for President Erdoğan. Because it is estimated that the list includes not only the names and addresses of the assassins, but also their training and skills within the Islamic State ISIS. Among these, there are sleeper cells waiting for the attack order in the USA, Canada, England, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain and even Austria! However, the political cost of Turkey transferring this information may be high.

The local Austrian State Protection and Intelligence Service (DSN) remains tight-lipped on the matter. (Note: An institution similar to MIT) However, as „Krone„ learned, The Austrian secret service has already been informed and disclosures and investigations regarding individual names are ongoing! The next few weeks will be exciting.

“Information is extremely important”

Austrian Terrorism Expert Dr. Nicolas Stockhammer made the first evaluation of the captured data in his interview with Krone as follows:

Born in Vienna in 1975, Dr. Nicolas Stockhammer is a political scientist focusing on security policy as well as research on extremism and terrorism. Since July 2021 he is responsible for the scientific management and coordination of the research cluster „Counter-Terrorism, CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) and Intelligence” at the Danube University of Krems.

Mr. Stockhammer, is this list a decisive blow against the terrorist organization ISIS?

Stockhammer: If the list really contains important information, such as the names and locations of ISIS sleeper cells and “lone wolves” in Europe, this is extremely important. The terrorist arm of ISIS is decentralized and draws its power primarily from radicalized lone perpetrators who can carry out mission-based attacks in their home countries. Although ISIS has weakened as an organization for years, it has recently risen again thanks to the successes of its extension in Afghanistan, ISIS-K. For our officials, access to this information will be a boon.

Is the danger of attacks increasing in Europe?

Stockhammer : Time will show that. One might think that individual jihadists might be uneasy. But this is unlikely. Just announcing the existence of a USB memory stick will not be enough to mobilize terrorists. Essentially, a lot depends on whether the information is actually shared with European partner services and whether it is up to date.

„Krone“: The list is in Turkey’s hands – how big is the political dimension of this?

Stockhammer : Some observers think that Turkey will not cooperate and will not share information openly. In general, the Ankara government likes to be the coy bride lately. Considering Ankara’s tight financial situation, this could be a welcome opportunity to earn some “additional income”.

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