ISITT resolutely committed to the development of skills in tourism in Morocco and Africa (responsible)

by times news cr

2024-05-01 03:44:00

“Since its creation, this establishment has been at the center of a skills development process dedicated to the tourism sector in Morocco,” explained Mr. Afquir, in an interview with MAP, noting that ISITT, given the The experience he has accumulated in this field is much sought after by brother and friendly countries to contribute to the development of African skills in tourism.

“We are not the only ones, but we are the leaders in higher training in Tourism-Hospitality-Restaurants (THR)”, he said, specifying that the Institute captures a market share of around 50% of this offer, both in terms of numbers in training and in terms of winners.

Asked about the role that ISITT plays in supporting the dynamics experienced by tourism in Morocco, the manager assured that the Institute, which has become an important regional player in the field of hotel and tourism training, has mission is to contribute to the development of the country through training, research and expertise, by ensuring the training of senior executives, capable of mobilizing their skills in the fields of hospitality, catering and tourism.

Mr. Afquir indicated that the text relating to the structuring of training and research at ISITT, which is in the validation phase, will allow the Institute to launch its Center for Doctoral Studies (CEDOC), which will be dedicated exclusively to operational research in THR.

“We have also identified more than 40 ISITT laureates who are doctors or doctoral students, who have prepared theses dealing with the issues of the sector, and are capable of providing avenues of reflection capable of contributing to the development of the sector”, a- he continued.

The manager also indicated that the Institute is offering 7 courses this year, all of which have been designed to meet the needs of the sector, in consultation with professionals, highlighting the existence of two courses in the Normal Cycle ( Bac+3), namely “Operational management of the hotel and catering industry”, and “Tourism management”, the rate of attractiveness of which is experiencing a very great evolution, despite the very high eligibility threshold.

Concerning the Professional License, two sectors are open: “Catering management and engineering” and “Hotel marketing”, he continued, specifying that the competition for access to this training will be launched in a few days.

The manager noted that the Institute offers a single sector for the Master, namely “Strategy and management of digital tourism”, and two sectors for the Higher Cycle: “Strategy and management of hotel establishments” and “Strategy and management of establishments tourism”, emphasizing that the number of students expected this year ranges between 800 and 840.

“We are always listening to professionals and closely following developments in the employment and training markets both nationally and internationally,” he said, emphasizing on the launch, for a year, of a Master in digital tourism, in addition to the introduction of modules related to artificial intelligence, digital marketing and UX in tourism, able to be in phase with the major transformations that the sector is experiencing.

Regarding this academic year, which takes place in a context marked by the earthquake, having struck several regions of Morocco, Mr. Afquir focused on the creation of a Support and Accompaniment Unit for students from disaster regions, noting that a technical upgrade of the facilities in the accommodation blocks, catering and classrooms was carried out between the months of August and September.

In order to allow first year students to have an immersion in the world of tourism professions, a reception and integration seminar (SIA) has been scheduled, with the participation of professionals and graduates of the ISITT, he added.

“Today, internationally renowned establishments have just set up in Morocco, which will give a new dimension to the current system and will inevitably contribute to raising the quality of higher education in the sector,” noted Mr. Afquir, considering that the higher education system in THR requires the adoption of a national convergence strategy for its training offer, in order to ensure synergy between the different stakeholders.

Currently, a main axis of the tourism roadmap is devoted to the development of human capital and it is in this sense that the National Tourism Confederation (CNT) and the supervisory ministry are working hard to strengthen training in the Tourism professions, he concluded.

2024-05-01 03:44:00

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