Isracard with a significant appointment: This is the new VP of Finance

by time news

Ran Oz (Photo by Pazit Oz)

The Board of Directors of the Isracard Group today (Tuesday) approved the appointment of CPA Ronit Zalman Malach as the Group’s CFO. Zalman Malach is one of the oldest and most respected CFOs in the economy with over 30 years of experience in the worlds of finance and a deep familiarity with the capital market. For the past three years, she has served as CFO of Mekorot National Water Company.

She also previously served, for more than 12 years, as Deputy CEO and Chief Financial Officer of Clal Insurance and other companies in the Clal Group, as well as VP of Finance, Control and Chief Risk Officer in the military industry. In addition, she is a director of Clalit Health Services , Including “Meitav Dash Provident and Pension”, “Wilifood Investments” and more.

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Zalman Malach holds a bachelor’s degree (BA) with honors in economics and accounting from Tel Aviv University and a master’s degree (MBA) with honors in business administration with a specialization in finance from Bar Ilan University.

Ran Oz, CEO of the Isracard Group, said: “I am happy that Ronit has joined the Isracard Group. Ronit is a veteran and highly esteemed CFO and her appointment is very significant to the company. I have full confidence that the backbone built by the company in recent months, bringing with it the best experience, knowledge and skills in the industry will move the company forward and advance our transformation process from a credit card company to an advanced data and technology based platform for businesses, customers and partners. I am especially proud to head a leading company in which there is a female majority in management. On this occasion, I would like to thank Eran Vaknin for his many accomplishments in two challenging and interesting years and wish him great success in his new role. ”

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  • 1.

    What about a picture of CPA Ronit Zalman



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    This paragon is important but also a picture.


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