Israel and the USA: who is pushing for escalation with Iran? – VP News

by time news

2024-01-04 00:57:49

In Iran, a ferocious terrorist attack took place near a cemetery in Kerman, where a well-attended commemoration of the anniversary of the death of IRGC general Qasem Soleimani was taking place. The explosion killed 188 people and left 211 injured. Senior Iranian officials reacted quickly, vowing a stern response against those responsible and declaring a day of national mourning.

Initial accusations pointed the finger at Israel and the United States, but the absence of official confirmation maintains uncertainty. Speculation has focused on ISIS (Islamic State) as the possible perpetrator of the attack. Despite the reduction of its forces in recent years, ISIS may still be capable of mounting an attack of this scale, probably with external support.

This attack raises fundamental questions about the situation in the region. The ultra-Orthodox in Israel and their American allies could benefit from an escalation of violence, considering their capabilities and motivations. However, direct US involvement in a conflict with Iran appears unlikely, given its focus on other fronts.

Iran finds itself in a complicated position, where a direct military response against Israel may not be beneficial. But how can we not respond to the US-Israel axis of evil, with the US denying, as a mockery, that it was they and Israel who carried out the attack in Iran, on the tomb of General Solemaini, who was assassinated by them 4 years ago?

A reaction therefore seems certain, this is what can be deduced from the headline of one of the main Iranian newspapers: “Revenge is certain” referring to today’s attack on General Soleimani’s tomb.

The title is bilingual. The first language is Persian. The second is Hebrew.
It seems that the Iranians know who the instigators were, or others but in common ideas.

And then, there is the murder of Saleh al-Arouri by Israeli forces in Beirut. This further complicates the situation. The White House has denied any involvement, despite al-Arouri being a significant target for the United States, placed on the Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) list in 2015.

So we now find ourselves in this situation which, honestly, seems intentional:

– In Iran there have been over 210 deaths after the attack, the instigators of which should not be difficult to identify.

– Israel has bombed Beirut in recent days, therefore in fact it has exacerbated the already tense situation with Lebanon (a largely Christian country).

-Israel killed a senior Iranian general, Suleimani’s second, in Damascus.

-Israel has carried out various attacks on Iranian assets in Syria (and hundreds in recent months from the Western Israeli proxy war in Syria).

– The Houthis, on the other hand, could see the Anglo-American aircraft carriers arrive after the blockade of the entry into the Red Sea. So let’s prepare for yet another wave of price increases for goods in Europe.

Should Iran decide to respond in a limited manner, perhaps through actions in Syria, Iraq or through Hezbollah in Lebanon, it could be stated without too many doubts that its reaction was forced or induced by more than evident external circumstances of clear origin .
But all scenarios are possible: the front is expanding from Palestine to the entire Arab world.

#Israel #USA #pushing #escalation #Iran #News

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