Israel Beitenu Chairman Calls for Chief of Staff Resignation over Probable Cause Law

by time news

Avigdor Lieberman, the chairman of the Israel Beitenu party, has called for the resignation of the Chief of Staff in light of the passing of a controversial law. Speaking at the Calcalist conference on Tuesday, Lieberman expressed his belief that the law, which aims to cancel the reasonableness clause, poses a serious threat to national security and the fighting spirit of the country.

The call for resignation comes after Lieutenant Colonel Hertzi Halevi referred to an increase in the number of reserve soldiers who refused to report for duty due to concerns about the legal reform. Lieberman argues that the law undermines the ability of Israel to deter threats and compromises the competence of the Israel Defense Forces.

He highlighted a recent discussion between the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff, and other top military officials, where concerns were raised about internal rifts within the army and the potential damage to its competence. Lieberman believes that under the circumstances created by the passing of this law, neither the security of the state nor the competence of the army can be guaranteed.

Drawing a parallel to previous resignations, Lieberman called on Rabbi General Herzi Halevi to step down from his position as Chief of Staff once the law passes its third reading. He emphasized the national responsibility that comes with the role and stated that Halevi has no other choice but to resign in order to take responsibility for the detrimental consequences of the law.

The Israel Beitenu party, led by Lieberman, has been a vocal critic of the proposed legislation. They argue that the abolition of the probable cause clause infringes on the rights of citizens and weakens the country’s security. The party has been advocating for a comprehensive review of the law and suggests alternative measures to ensure national security without compromising individual rights.

The Chief of Staff has not yet responded to Lieberman’s call for resignation. As the debate over the controversial law continues, tensions within the military and political landscape of Israel are likely to persist.

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