Israel blames Islamic Jihad for strike hitting hospital – L’Express

by time news

2023-10-17 19:57:01

While diplomacy is working to avoid a “humanitarian catastrophe” and a regional conflagration, the toll of the war – which has already left at least 1,400 dead on the Israeli side and 3,000 on the Palestinian side – continues to increase. Joe Biden, for his part, was due to fly on Tuesday to Tel Aviv then Amman, where he will want to both demonstrate his support for Israel and negotiate a humanitarian measure for Gaza.

Confused situation after shooting at hospital in Gaza

At least 200 people were killed Tuesday evening in a shooting on the grounds of a hospital in Gaza City, reported the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian territory controlled by Hamas, which blamed Israel. who denied. The Israeli army attributed responsibility to the Palestinian organization Islamic Jihad. At the time of the shooting, “a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing very close to the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza”, according to the army, suggesting that one of them fell on the establishment.

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Shortly after the shooting, clashes broke out between protesters and security forces in the streets of Ramallah, the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank. At the same time, hundreds of demonstrators gathered in front of the French embassy in Tunis to protest, demanding the dismissal of the French and American ambassadors. Tunisia, which hosted Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from 1982 to 1994 after his departure from Lebanon, has always adopted a position of firm support for the Palestinian cause. Lebanese Hezbollah, for its part, called for a “day of anger” to be observed on Wednesday to condemn a “massacre” of which it accuses Israel.

Netanyahu: “The world must stand united alongside Israel”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Tuesday “the world to stand united alongside Israel to defeat Hamas.”

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“In the same way that the world united to defeat the Nazis (…), the world must stand united alongside Israel to defeat Hamas,” he declared at a conference press conference in Tel Aviv with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “The barbarity that we have witnessed, perpetrated by the Hamas murderers leaving Gaza, is the worst crime committed against the Jews since the Holocaust,” said Benjamin Netanyahu.

2,000 American soldiers ready for possible deployment

Some 2,000 American soldiers have been placed on alert for possible deployment to the Middle East in support of Israel, at war with Hamas since the Islamist movement’s bloody attack on Israeli soil, the Pentagon said on Tuesday .

“Today Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin placed approximately 2,000 troops and a series of units on high alert through a deployment readiness order, increasing the ability of the U.S. Defense Force to respond quickly to the evolving security situation in the Middle East,” said a statement, which clarified that “no decision regarding the deployment of troops has been taken at this time.”

A White House spokesperson, however, clarified that it was above all a “signal of deterrence” and not combat troops.

For Iran, “no one will be able to stop the resistance”

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned Tuesday that “no one will be able to stop” the “resistance forces” in Israel if the Israelis continue their offensive against Gaza. “No one should hope” that certain parties like Iran can “prevent the resistance forces” from taking action, he added. He was referring to the “axis of resistance”, an informal name for states and organizations that are enemies of Israel, such as Hamas or Hezbollah based in Lebanon and supported by Iran.

Macron speaks of “intense discussions”

Emmanuel Macron spoke on Tuesday of “intense discussions” which are “advancing” for the release of hostages held by Hamas, after the mother of a Franco-Israeli woman, Mia Shem, had begged on Tuesday “the leaders of the world” to have them released. her daughter”, kidnapped on October 7 in Israel.

“I want to be very cautious here, you will understand that I do not say more in order, firstly, not to create expectations that would be disappointed and, above all, not to endanger the intense discussions that we are in. driving,” the French president said at a press conference in Tirana.

Emmanuel Macron declared on Tuesday that he would go to the Middle East when there is a “useful agenda and very concrete actions to take there”.

The toll rises to 21 French people killed, 11 missing

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The toll of French victims killed in Hamas attacks against Israel has risen further with 21 dead and 11 missing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday.

“France deplores the tragic death of two other French nationals, which brings the toll of French victims of the attacks to 21,” he said in a statement, according to which “eleven compatriots are still missing. Several are very probably hostages of Hamas.

Food supplies in Gaza limited, UN says

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There are only four to five days of food left in stores in the Gaza Strip, besieged by the Israeli army following the bloody Hamas attack, the World Food Program (WFP) said on Tuesday.

“The stores are experiencing enormous difficulties in restocking the warehouses” which still have food reserves but are located in Gaza City, in the north of the Gaza Strip, she explained.

Turkey mediates hostages

Turkey, which is mediating hostages held by Hamas, has received “requests from several countries” to obtain their release, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in Beirut on Tuesday.

“We have so far received requests from several countries for the release of their citizens. As a result, we have started discussions, particularly with the political wing of Hamas” and “our efforts continue,” HFidan said during of a press conference with his Lebanese counterpart Abdallah Bouhabib.

Humanitarian aid convoys from Egypt soon in Gaza

Humanitarian aid convoys stationed in Al-Arich, capital of Egyptian North Sinai, took the road on Tuesday morning towards Rafah, a border post towards Gaza bombed by Israel, while an agreement on the entry of the Aid has been stalling for days, humanitarians report.

“We have arrived at the terminal and we are now waiting for the next step,” reports Heba Rashed, who runs an Egyptian NGO, Mersal, as hundreds of other trucks crowd the forty-kilometer road between Al-Arich and Rafah, according to other humanitarians.

Biden’s diplomatic visit to Jordan

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Joe Biden, who will visit Israel on Wednesday, will also go to Amman, Jordan, where he will meet King Abdullah II, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, a door said Monday – White House spokesperson.

There will be discussions on the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and President Biden “will reiterate our belief that Hamas does not represent the vast majority of the Palestinian people, who are also victims,” ​​said John Kirby, spokesman for US National Security Council.

#Israel #blames #Islamic #Jihad #strike #hitting #hospital #LExpress

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