Israel Election Survey: Results and Consequences of Opposing Hamas Deal

by time news

Against the background of reports of negotiations for a hostage deal, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s announcement that thousands of terrorists will not be released and that the war against Hamas will continue until victory, the conference calling for a return to Gush Katif and the continuation of the war of attrition in the north – the state camp party weakens this week by 2 seats, while the Likud gains 2 seats. This is according to the “Maariv” survey, conducted by “Lazar Researches”, headed by Dr. Menachem Lazar, in collaboration with Panel4All.

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The survey also shows that the Yesh Atid party continues to weaken, falling to only 12 seats – the lowest of the last year. On the other hand, Yisrael Beitenu and Otzma Yehudit are getting stronger in mandate, and Torah Judaism is decreasing in mandate. In the overall summary, the coalition strengthens by another 2 mandates to 46, and the opposition decreases at the same time to 74 mandates.

The survey also shows that about half of the respondents (49%(Benny Gantz is seen as more suitable to be Prime Minister compared to Benjamin Netanyahu)32%). However, Gantz weakened slightly this week compared to the poll from last week, in which he received 51%while Netanyahu remained with 32%. nearly half of Israelis (45%) prefer elections now, if a ceasefire occurs in the fighting in the Gaza Strip. The segmentation shows that those who stand out in demanding elections now are those who intend to vote in the new elections in the future (80%). There is also a majority for this among the voters of the state camp, but smaller (57%), and only a quarter of Likud voters prefer elections now.

The second preference among all the participants in the survey is to leave the status quo (28%), and especially the majority of those who intend to vote for Likud support this (56%). A unity government with the participation of the Yesh Atid and Israel Beitenu parties, with the provision of ministerial positions (not just cabinet membership), is preferred by 17% only of the respondents, with relatively high support among the voters of the state camp (26%).

In response to the question, which of the two, Benjamin Netanyahu or Benny Gantz, is more suitable to be prime minister, the answers were: Gantz 49%Netanyahu 32%Do not know 19%. Among Likud voters: Gantz – 20%Netanyahu 65%Do not know 15%. Among the voters of the state camp: Gantz 96%Netanyahu 4%. Among Yesh Atid voters: Gantz 92%Netanyahu 4%Do not know 4%.

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Tomer Appelbaum)

In answer to the question: if a ceasefire goes into effect, what would you prefer to happen? – The answers were: elections now 49%a unity government with Lapid and Lieberman 17%leaving the status quo 28%Do not know 19%. Among Likud voters: elections now – 25%a unity government with Lapid and Lieberman 12%leaving the status quo 56%Do not know 8%. Among Yesh Atid voters: Election now 80%a unity government with Lapid and Lieberman 17%Do not know 3%. Among the voters of the state camp: Elections now 57%, unity government with Lapid and Lieberman 26%leaving the status quo 10%Do not know 6%.

In the survey, which was conducted between January 31 and February 1, 511 respondents participated, constituting a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel from the age of 18 and older, Jews and Arabs. The maximum sampling error in the survey is 4.3%.

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