Israel Land Authority tender results from last week

by time news

37 bids were submitted in this tender.

The lot is within the area of ​​the Yuval A plan. The neighborhood covers an area of ​​about 941 dunams, of which an area of ​​about 200 dunams is for Nahal Eyon Park. The neighborhood includes residences to the extent of -910 units, about half of them in detached construction of various types and about 500 units in semi-saturated construction alongside areas for commerce, employment and tourism, public institutions and open public areas.

Central space

Tender No.: Mar/284/2022 Yavne

The Tenders Committee of the Israel Land Authority announced “Matilda Ilaiguib” and “Sahar Arian” as the winners of a public tender for the purchase of lease rights to build 2 units on 2 low-rise lots in Yavne

40 bids were submitted in this tender.

The lots are within the scope of the Ramot Weizman neighborhood plan in Yavne, which covers about 66 dunams and includes residences (about 196 units) alongside commercial areas, roads and open public areas.

Tender No.: Mar/420/2021 Elad

The Tenders Committee of the Israel Land Authority announced “Almog (K.D.A.I) Ltd.”, “Shmuel Baruch Enterprises and Construction Ltd.”, “Afridar Company for Housing and Development Israel Ltd.”, “Tatsfit Tenders 2021 Ltd. “M”, “Raisdor Enterprises Ltd”, “Y.D. Barzani Properties and Building Ltd. (1983)” and “Epi Capital Building Ltd.” as winners of the tender for the ultra-Orthodox Zionist movement in the “Target Price Housing” route for the purchase of lease rights in 7 complexes for the construction of 938 units for the construction of residential, commercial and public buildings in Elad .

16 bids were submitted in this tender.

The lots are within the area of ​​the Elad plan, which covers an area of ​​approximately 2,663 dunams. The neighborhood includes residences in the scope of approximately 4,200 units, areas for public buildings and open public areas and an employment area in the scope of 1.2 million square meters that will ensure an economic response to the settlement and its residents.

Southern area

Tender No.: Bash/131/2022 Beer Sheva

The Tenders Committee of the Israel Land Authority has announced “Achim Um Hevera Construction Investment and Development Ltd.”, “F.A.R. Hutza Hanegev Ltd.” and “Techno Danino Holdings Ltd.” as the winners of a public tender for the purchase of lease rights to build 53 units in detached construction in the Rakfat neighborhood, Beer Sheva.

33 bids were submitted in this tender.

The plots are within the scope of the Harkafot neighborhood plan, which covers approximately 4,525 dunams and is located in the north of the city of Beer Sheva. The neighborhood includes residences of approximately 4,150 units, public institutions, commerce and open spaces.

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