Israel must implement the UN resolution against illegal activity

by time news

2024-09-18 10:19:00

In response to the resolution adopted today by the General Assembly of the United Nations, calling on Israel to end its illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory within 12 months, in accordance with the advice of the International Court of Justice (ICJ ), Secretary General of Amnesty International Agnès Callamard, said:

Today’s decision makes it abundantly clear that Israel’s 57-year-old occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory cannot be allowed to continue in violation of international law.“.

“Israel must comply with the resolution immediately by withdrawing its forces from the West Bank, including the legally imposed area of ​​East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, which has existed since 1967. Likewise, Israel must expel all the settlers from the West you have taken, including East Jerusalem, and put an end to its intervention, legally and practically.”

This decision supports long-standing calls from the Palestinian people and many countries around the world, and calls for the implementation of the ICJ’s historic advisory opinion which confirms that Israel has a legal obligation to end the occupation. its illegality of occupied Palestinian land and its planning. exclusion of the occupied Palestinian population.”

“For decades, Israel’s illegal occupation has brought injustice, bloodshed and suffering to the Palestinian population on a massive scale. Over the past 11 months, the perpetuating human rights abuses of the Israelis and the apartheid system have increased exponentially.”

Israel’s unprecedented massacre of the Palestinian population of Gaza is taking a heavy toll on the civilian population, causing death, injury, massive destruction of critical infrastructure, destruction of cities and subsequent waves of forced displacement. It has made Gaza almost uninhabitable and plunged the Strip into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, worsening the already dire humanitarian situation caused by Israel’s 17-year illegal blockade of Gaza. Meanwhile, Israel has increased its campaign of oppression against the Palestinian population of the occupied West Bank, through deadly military operations accompanied by extensive damage to civilian infrastructure, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, torture and other ill-treatment, while violence is used. by settlers coupled with neglect and displacement of the Palestinian population.”

“Implementation of the United Nations General Assembly resolution is essential to restoring faith in international law. This is an important time for the global community. Countries, including Israel’s allies, must ensure that Israel complies with the resolution and ends its persistent disregard for international law and human rights and historical injustices against the Palestinian people. “

“While ending Israel’s occupation, third states must immediately cease all forms of aid or assistance that help maintain the illegal occupation, including the cessation of arms shipments to Israel and all trade with illegal settlements.”

“They should also support the establishment of the procedures described in the resolution to document all injuries caused by Israeli military action and address Israeli violations of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. These systems must be designed and resourced to hold those responsible accountable, bring justice to the victims, and end the apartheid system that Israel has instituted against all Palestinian residents whose rights are controlled. “

Additional Information

The resolution of the United Nations General Assembly was approved by 124 votes in favor, 43 abstentions and 14 against, including those of the United States and Israel. The resolution, presented by the State of Palestine, is based on an advisory opinion issued in July by the ICJ that states that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal and that the settlements must be removed as quickly as possible.

#Israel #implement #resolution #illegal #activity

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