Israel-Palestine, uniform, immigration… We have ranked the five most explosive topics of the family meal

by time news

2023-12-23 11:02:36

Vegetarianism has become almost consensual, the coronavirus is less and less present in the media and the debate “Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?” » now anachronistic, we could have hoped, in this year 2023, for a finally peaceful Christmas table and trivial subjects only on Frédéric still single at 32 years old or on the failing education of little Benjamin who still eats the turkey with his fingers.

This was without taking into account the divisive power of current events and its capacity to constantly renew itself. If certain historical figures of the family debate have therefore left us, 2023 is full of new subjects to wriggle out more or less gently between the cheese and the log. 20 Minutes has concocted a top five of the most explosive discussions of New Year’s Eve.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

A little context: Since the Hamas attack on October 7, the conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization has continued to stir international news, particularly due to the massive bombardment of the Gaza Strip and its civilian population by the Israeli army. .

Why this place in the ranking: A combination of terrorism, Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism, war crimes and civilian deaths could only finish number 1 in the rankings. Basically, the discussion is so touching that it dominates the top 5 every year, even when relatively nothing happens for months. So when the front is agitated so vehemently… And in any case, a debate where each side calls the other “Nazis” and “killers of children and babies” without the slightest nuance remains difficult to beat, despite strong competition this year.

Immigration law:

A little context: The government is trying to pass a final law at the end of the year, on a very hot topic: immigration. The first version of the text aroused rejection from the left, who found the text too harsh, and from the right, who found the text too soft (and who wanted to hire the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin). Result: a rejection motion in the Assembly, and a second round with passage to a joint committee.

Why this place in the ranking: We’ve been eating unpopular government laws all year long (yes, pension reform, we’re thinking of you in particular), so much so that the tube is a little too worn out to claim first place. Nevertheless, let us admit that this equation: “immigration – again a subject that is still divisive even without the need for current affairs – multiplied by Macron added to Gérald Darmanin, two politicians who unleash passions, all to the square root of Skyrocketing National Rally” is enough to wake up even the most tired debater of political life.

Uniform at school

A little context: This is the surprise chestnut tree of Macronie. In a year 2023 marked by inflation and the (very) slow awareness of school bullying, the uniform is increasingly presented as the miracle solution to resolve many school problems (and avoid the subject of school salaries). teachers), to the point that the Ministry of National Education is planning large-scale experiments for 2024.

Why this place in the ranking: Anyone who has ever been to school, everyone feels strangely justified in talking about it. “Children” also remain a sure value in the heated debate, driven by the instinct for survival of the species and protection of the weakest.

Anatomy of a fall

A little context: It’s hard to miss the cinematic sensation of the year. By winning the Palme d’Or in Cannes, Anatomy of a fall attracted a rare spotlight for a French film, confirmed by its million spectators and reaffirmed by various international nominations, notably the Golden Globes.

Why this place in the ranking: “It’s only fiction” clearly prevents this film from entering the podium. Apart from this substantive criticism, the potential for debate seems infinite: the quality of the film (“Absolute masterpiece” versus “It’s just ”Les petits mouchoirs” but left-wing version”), the conclusion – murder, suicide or accident? – and obviously the feminist subtext. Significant bonus to inflame the discussions, the speech of Justine Triet during the presentation of the Palme d’Or, criticizing the pension reform.

Global warming :

A little context: Certainly, the head of the gondola Greta Thunberg is almost missing from the media, but like every year, climate change will still have provided a fairly grated menu, between abominable heatwaves this summer, drought, flood and climatic disasters all over the world.

Why this place in the ranking: We finally thought we would escape this poor quality debate this year, given the heatwaves which are undoubtedly suspect in terms of human influence and another year of record temperatures. But the month of November was a little chilly in France, so much so that you are not safe from a climate-sceptical uncle. A more consensual subject was needed.

#IsraelPalestine #uniform #immigration #ranked #explosive #topics #family #meal

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