Israel Police and Border Guard Announce Death of Major Maxim Razinkov in Anti-Terror Operation

by time news

Breaking News: Major Maxim Razinkov, a reserve fighter in the Israel Police’s undercover unit, tragically loses his life in a counter-terrorism operation

(Jerusalem, October 19, 2023) – The Israel Police and the Border Guard are filled with profound sadness and grief as they announce the untimely death of Major Maxim Razinkov, a valiant fighter in the reserve service. Major Razinkov was a member of the undercover unit of the Mageb IoS, known for his fierce and professional combat skills against armed terrorists. He lost his life during an operational activity in the Nur a-Shams refugee camp in the regional division of Mensha. With Major Razinkov’s demise, the number of police martyrs has risen to 58.

The Israel Police and the Border Guard express their deepest condolences to Major Razinkov’s family and friends. The loss of a dedicated and courageous officer is mourned by the entire law enforcement community and the nation as a whole.

The tragic incident took place on the evening of October 19, 2023. Major Razinkov was part of a mission aiming to counteract the rising threat of armed terrorists within the refugee camp. Despite the risks involved, he displayed remarkable bravery and professionalism while engaged in combat. Sadly, he paid the ultimate price while fulfilling his duty to protect the public from imminent danger.

Major Maxim Razinkov, known for his exceptional dedication and loyalty, served as a role model for his colleagues and subordinates. His fellow officers speak highly of his unmatched skills and unparalleled commitment to maintaining law and order in the face of adversity.

The Israel Police and the Border Guard will hold a solemn memorial ceremony to honor the memory of Major Razinkov, paying tribute to his sacrifice in defense of the nation. The exact date and location of the ceremony will be announced in due course.

Friends, family, and colleagues are mourning the loss of Major Razinkov, remembering his affectionate nature, infectious smile, and unwavering passion for serving his country. They describe him as a true hero, dedicated to safeguarding the lives of his fellow citizens.

Major Maxim Razinkov’s legacy will forever be etched in the annals of the Israel Police and the Border Guard, serving as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers in their tireless efforts to protect the nation’s security.

Alon Hachmon, the Israel Police spokesperson, confirmed the tragic news at 20:05 on October 19, 2023. The spokesperson urged the public to respect the privacy of Major Razinkov’s family during this difficult time while extending his gratitude for the outpouring of support from the Israeli community.

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