Israel Resumes Combat Operations in Gaza as Truce Expires: Latest Update Dec. 1, 2023

by time news

Title: Israel Resumes Combat Operations in Gaza as Truce Expires

Israel has announced the renewal of combat operations in Gaza after a week-long truce expired early Friday morning. The decision to resume fighting comes after Hamas reportedly fired towards Israeli territory, escalating tensions once again in the conflict-ridden region.

Mediators have been engaged in intense negotiations with both sides, with Hamas failing to provide a list of hostage names required for the cease-fire extension, according to Egyptian officials. The United States has expressed hope that negotiators can renew the truce, but emphasized that it is contingent on Hamas releasing additional hostages.

The situation remains volatile and uncertain as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to unfold. The international community continues to monitor the developments closely and assess the potential for a peaceful resolution.

It is important to note that ongoing developments may impact the situation, and updates are expected as the situation continues to evolve.

(2 minutes)

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