Israel surrendered to Nasrallah in the agreement with Lebanon? A former senior official in the security system

by time news

the general (resp.) Giora Islandformer head of the National Security Council, was interviewed today (Sunday) on the program of Didi Harari and Guy Peleg on 103FM, and referred to the agreement being formed with the Lebanese government on the maritime border between the countries.

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“I’ve known this issue well for 22 years. I’m the one who managed the negotiations with the UN that represented Lebanon on the border between Israel and Lebanon in 2000,” said General (resp.) Eiland at the beginning of the interview, “We agreed on the land border, We started negotiations on the maritime border, the gaps were big and we agreed to disagree.”

“Every issue of water is divided into two parts – territorial waters whose status is indeed like the status of land, they are part of the State of Israel, and economic waters where all that matters is certain rights of one country to use the resources that exist there but the whole world can sail through them and put gas pipelines and there is no We have no sovereign status in the economic waters,” he added.

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Shark rig (Photo: Marek Israel Salem)

“If we really change the border of the economic waters, it does not concern the territorial issue,” Eiland pointed out, “there is in any case something of truth in the Likud’s claim – this line can divide the line agreed upon between us and Lebanon. If it is indeed one straight line, it does not matter What is its angle. In the first 12 miles it is part of the territorial waters, if in the first 12 miles as of today Israel refers to a certain line and it is marked with yellow buoys, and Israel is ready to change this line, then at least implicitly it is a change of something that Israel has defined as the State of Israel And now she is changing him.”

He then said that “If I understand correctly, and the things were not published, it seems to me that Israel insisted for security reasons that the first 12 miles remain on the basis of the existing line, and only after them will there be a kind of zigzag like this and we will move to another line that is more moderate. If that is the case, then there is no No basis for any claim on territorial waters.”

“Among other things, Israel did not deal with this issue with the required determination, not related to the threat, the current government also did not take advantage of enough opportunities it had,” Eiland said, “What is happening right now is that Israel actually wanted this agreement and the one who opposed it for seven years is Nasrallah. Why? Because for him he understood seven years ago he built the story that Israel is stealing Lebanon’s gas treasures and therefore it is a patriotic argument that Hezbollah will protect Lebanese interests. Now, for him as soon as there is an agreement and it doesn’t matter what it is, it pulls the rug from under his feet because this argument is about him He built the possibility for the next war. For Israel, this agreement is an important achievement.”

At the end, Eiland noted that “there is no problem of Israeli compromise here, the one who objected, the one who every time they reached a point took a step back, this is the Lebanese government. Israel has not changed anything here. There is Israeli continuity here and there is no concession, no capitulation, and no relinquishment of Israeli property A very good agreement for Israel and should be congratulated.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103FM

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