Israeli Election Survey 13: Gantz’s party leads as Likud struggles – full results and implications

by time news

Three and a half months into the war in Gaza and the Likud is struggling to recover, with Gantz’s party leading with 37 seats. How many seats will Likud get under the leadership of Nir Barkat – and how many mandates will Gadi Eisenkot bring under the leadership of the state camp? | The full results

News survey 13: If the elections were held today, three and a half months into the war in Gaza, Benny Gantz’s state camp would be the largest party with 37 mandates, according to a poll by News 13 and Professor Camille Fox that was broadcast this evening (Sunday) on the main edition. As in the previous poll, the Likud led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu receives only 16 seats, and the third largest party is Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid, with 14 seats.

According to the survey, Shas and Yisrael Beiteno receive 9 mandates each, Otzma Yehudit receives 8 mandates, Torah Judaism with 7 mandates, Religious Zionism with 6 mandates, Ra’am and Hadash-Ta’al receive 5 mandates each, and Meretz receives 4 mandates. The Labor Party, as well as Balad, does not pass the blocking percentage. The map of the blocs shows that the bloc of parties in the current coalition has 46 mandates, compared to 69 for the bloc of the previous coalition, when between Hadash-Ta’al.

The image of the mandates Photo: News 13 Map of the blocs | Photo: News 13

We also asked who you would vote for if the Likud was led by Minister Nir Barkat instead of Netanyahu, and in such a situation the Likud is strengthened to 21 seats, while the state camp party loses two seats, and Yesh Atid, Israel Beitenu and religious Zionism lose one seat each. We also asked who you would vote for if, instead of Benny Gantz, Gadi Eisenkot heads the state camp, in which case the party strengthens to 39 seats, while Yesh Atid and religious Zionism weaken by one seat each.

Economy Minister Nir Barkat Photo: Haim Goldberg, Flash 90

In the question of suitability for the prime ministership, Netanyahu loses to both Gantz and Eisenkot, when against Eisenkot who receives 45% support, he wins 32%, and against Gantz who receives 48% support, the prime minister wins only 30%. On the other hand, in the choice between him and Yair Lapid, Netanyahu receives 41% support against 36% support for Lapid.

Minister Gadi Eisenkot Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90

We also asked what in your opinion is the main consideration that drives Prime Minister Netanyahu in making decisions in the war, and 53% answered that it is his personal interest, compared to 33% who believe that the interest of the country is what drives him. 50% of the respondents believe that Gantz and the state camp should remain in the government (67% of the party’s voters think so), and 28% believe that they should step down (19% among the party’s voters).

We also checked what the public’s position was regarding the deal under which Israel would accept all the abductees, in exchange for stopping the war and releasing all the Hamas detainees in Israel, in case such an offer is made. 35% of respondents support such a deal, 46% oppose, and 19% replied that they do not know.

The survey was conducted by Prof. Camille Fuchs and included 702 respondents, of which 602 were from the Jewish population and 100 from the non-Jewish sector. The questioning in the Jewish sector was conducted by the sample project company headed by Dr. Ariel Ayalon. The questioning in the non-Jewish sector was conducted by the State Net company headed by Yosef Makleda. The sampling error is 3.7%.

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