Israeli football joins the UEFA training and coaching standard.

by time news

A new era in the world of training and coaching courses in football: This morning (Wednesday, December 14), the Ministry of Culture and Sports passed the required amendment to the Sports Law, which gives the Football Association the exclusive authority to authorize coaches and instructors at various levels under the UEFA Convention. Operation with external training institutions to train for grades B and C according to UEFA criteria.

Minister of Culture and Sports Hili Trooper: “I welcome the important move that is marching Israeli football in the wake of the leading countries in the industry. I trust the Football Association and I am convinced that UEFA training will improve the coaches and instructors in Israeli football at all levels. “

Chairman of the Football Association Oren Hasson: ‘This is a real revolution, a tool and a significant tier that will allow us to ensure the best training for coaches and coaches, who are responsible for raising and nurturing the future generation of our football. We are highly regarded by the UEFA thanks to an advanced, innovative and high-quality training division, and I am convinced that the results will be seen in the near and long term. A big thank you to the Minister of Sports, Hili Trooper, who recognized the crucial importance of the requested change, promised to lead a legislative change and made sure that it would be so. The minister and his excellent staff in the ministry have been working with us on the issue for almost two years and the good news today is a huge contribution to the development of our football. ”

Representatives of the Sports Administration and the Football Association worked to build an outline that would also allow all coaches who have been trained to date under the Sports Law to enter the UEFA training track without starting their training from the beginning.

The approved outline meets the professional needs of the training of football coaches in Israel, will improve the level of content, professionalism and supervision on the subject, will allow all football coaches who will be trained in Israel to be coaches recognized by UEFA and as a result will open training options in all countries. ‘And not just in Israel as it has been so far.

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