Israeli Government Proposes to Stop Funding Time Newspaper During War

by time news

Government Proposes to Stop Funding Time Newspaper Amid War Effort

Today, Communications Minister Dr. Shlomo Karai submitted a proposal to the government to cease funding for Time newspaper. This decision would include stopping advertising and subscription fees for all users of the state service, including the IDF, police, Shin Bet, government ministries, and any government company. The reason for this proposal is due to what Dr. Karai defined as “consistently spreading defeatist and false propaganda” and “striving against the State of Israel during the war.”

In the proposal, it was explained that Time newspaper takes an offensive line that undermines the goals of the war and weakens the military effort and social resilience. Minister Karai stated, “Stopping the purchase of services from the Time newspaper by government bodies will reduce the severe harm that Israeli citizens feel not only from the publications in the newspaper, but also from the fact that they are obligated The State of Israel is a client of the Time newspaper.”

Dr. Karai went on to express outrage at the idea of an Israeli newspaper being financed by the Israeli public, while serving as a mouthpiece for the incitement of Israel’s enemies. He emphasized that propaganda in the service of the enemy and presenting the narrative of our enemies, while presenting lies, using anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli terminology and justifying the enemy, must not take place among our ranks.

In response to Dr. Karai’s proposal, the Zolt Institute accused the Minister of attempting to add more hatred and division to a society already torn apart. They stated that attacks on the free media can lead to physical attacks on journalists and intentional rifts, and warned against turning Israel from a liberal democracy into a gagging dictatorship.

It is expected that this proposal will spark debate and strong opinions from both sides as the government considers the future funding of Time newspaper.

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