Israeli Hostage Release Deal Talks with Hamas: Analysis and Insights by Avi Issacharoff

by time news

In the background of the talks for another hostage release deal, Israel is still waiting for an official answer from Hamas. Anat Davidov and Udi Segal discussed the complicated situation and the emerging outline with the reporter and commentator on Arab affairs Avi Issacharoffwho explained his doctrine on the subject.

At the beginning of their conversation, Issacharoff referred to Hamas’ answers against the emerging outline: “This is part of the negotiations, and I would not be in a hurry to eulogize the dialogue that is taking place between Hamas and Israel. I still haven’t heard any one definite clear answer. There is no yes here and there is no absolute no here. There are all kinds of sayings and hints here. There are debates here about the last stage, we may see progress regarding the first 35 abductees, I still don’t know the number of prisoners who will be released in exchange, but it may be that there is progress around the first stage.”

Later in their conversation, the topic of surrendering to Israel came up: “Do you see Sinwar with a white flag?”, asked the presenters. In response, the reporter replied that “we hastened to dismiss the possibility of Sinwar leaving and surrendering, there is such a scenario here. If it called Ibrahim Khaled, Abdullah Bargoudi, it could happen to Sinwar at the moment of truth. With a lot of military pressure on Hamas and its top brass, we may see a scenario “.

When asked, “What allows the oxygen for the continued existence of Hamas right now besides the abductees?”, Issacharoff explained that “First, we know that Hamas prepared months in advance for this scenario. It has food, water, oxygen in the tunnels, and it’s no big secret – the trucks we bring in pass through To Hamas in the end. We see Hamas militants take control of the trucks every time, some of it goes to Hamas, to the military arm, and is transferred by no means to those terrorists who are still in the tunnels.”

Gazans protesting against Hamas, demanding that the war stop (Photo: Arab Networks)

Americans don’t get it?
“There is really an impossible dilemma here, do you starve people, deprive children, women, there is no water, no electricity, or do you go for a slightly more conciliatory approach, which says ‘let’s take care of the population, maybe some will end up in Hamas and we’ll see what happens’. The Americans don’t Innocent, they’re not that stupid, but they say, ‘It’s better for us that the population doesn’t starve and that the whole world rise up against you,’ about the fact that we’re starving a population there, ‘It’s better that some of it goes to Hamas than that you reach the opposite result and they evict you from Gaza almost by force.'”

In the end, the Israeli fantasy is that the Gazans will wake up, rise up, throw out Hamas and then you will have a good life. Is there a factor that can even be built, to produce such an address?
“There is a factor, but we do not want to accept this factor. Here is the greatest catastrophe that Israel has had since its establishment, but there is also an extraordinary political opportunity here. We are making a change in the Palestinian Authority, taking Arab forces that are willing to side with elements in the Palestinian Authority, let’s give They have a chance. It’s not that I’m in love with this idea, it’s not that I’m saying ‘Abu Mazen, how cute’. There is no other alternative here at the moment. Israel leaves, Hamas enters, this is the other alternative – that’s what it means not to talk about the day after. We are in our own hands, As before the seventh of October, the return of Hamas to the territories from which the IDF withdraws is being paved.”

Finally, when asked if the abductee deal is going away, he answered: “I’m not sure it’s going away, there is a negotiation here, a difficult negotiation. In order to reach better terms in the negotiations, the military activity should continue, even intensify, so that Sinwar understands that he has no Too many choices.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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