Israeli Strike in Gaza Causes Catastrophic Damage and Loss of Life: Eyewitnesses and Medics

by time news

Israeli Airstrike in Gaza Refugee Camp Causes Catastrophic Damage and Loss of Lives

Jerusalem CNN — Eyewitnesses and medics in the Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza are reporting a devastating Israeli strike that targeted a Hamas commander, resulting in catastrophic damage and the loss of numerous lives. Mohammad Ibrahim, an eyewitness, described the horrifying scene, stating that several missiles fell without warning, leaving huge craters filled with killed people and body parts scattered everywhere. “It felt like the end of the world,” he expressed.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a statement claiming that the airstrike successfully targeted and killed Ibrahim Biari, a Hamas commander responsible for the October 7 attack on Israel. The IDF also stated that other Hamas terrorists were hit in the strike and accused the Central Jabalya Battalion of taking control of civilian buildings. Hamas, however, strongly denied the presence of their leader in the camp, accusing Israel of committing a “heinous crime against safe civilians, children, and women.”

Eyewitness Mohammad Al Aswad described the aftermath as a horrifying scene of chaos and destruction. Children were seen carrying other injured children, bodies were hanging on the rubble, and the air was filled with grey dust. People in the area were in a state of panic and confusion, with women screaming and unsure whether to cry for their lost children or search for them.

Images from the scene showed a massive crater and damaged buildings. Palestinians and rescue workers were desperately searching for victims amidst the rubble. The IDF spokesperson, Lt. Col. Richard Hecht, responded to criticism by accusing Hamas of hiding behind civilians. Hecht urged civilians to move south, despite repeated warnings about the lack of safe places in the isolated enclave.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, at least 8,485 people have been killed, and more than 21,000 have been injured as a result of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. The Indonesian hospital nearest to Jabalya was overwhelmed with a long line of bodies and numerous wounded people, including children. The hospital’s head estimated that scores have been killed in the blast, describing a horrific scene of injured martyrs, charred bodies, and amputations.

The Israeli human rights organization B’tselem condemned Israel’s weeks-long aerial bombardment of Gaza, categorizing it as horrifying and stating that the killing of civilians is intolerable. The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs labeled the strike as a “massacre,” pointing to chilling documented scenes of children and women. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, and Egypt have also condemned the strike, with Egypt accusing Israel of violating international law with its targeting of a residential area.

During a White House briefing, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby acknowledged the civilian casualties and stated that Israel is making efforts to minimize harm to innocent civilians. He emphasized that the US does not accept any civilian deaths in Gaza.

The situation is still developing, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

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