Israel’s Far-Right Coalition Provokes Protests with Move to Limit Supreme Court’s Power

by time news

Title: Israel’s Ruling Coalition Votes to Limit Supreme Court Power, Triggering Nationwide Protests

Subtitle: Street protests erupt as Israel moves to curtail judicial review, raising concerns about democratic values

Date: July 11, 2023

JERUSALEM — Israel’s far-right ruling coalition has taken a preliminary vote to limit the power of the Supreme Court’s judicial review. This contentious move has sparked immediate street protests, causing further turmoil in a country already grappling with political upheaval.

Shortly after the vote, demonstrators took to the streets, disrupting traffic on numerous roads and erecting tents and bonfires. Police intervened, clearing the roads using water cannons and arresting over 65 protesters. In a disturbing incident, a driver reportedly attempted to plow his car into the crowd, but was swiftly detained by law enforcement.

By late morning, the crowd in front of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, had swelled to over a thousand people. However, another planned march to the Supreme Court building was blocked by the police. Similar protests erupted in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other cities across the nation.

The protests were organized by various groups who promised a “day of disruption” and advocated for safeguarding Israeli democracy. Labor leaders were urged to call for a general strike, while social media posts rallied citizens to participate.

The divisive ruling has widened the gap between ultra-Orthodox and religious nationalist voters and more secular Jews and Palestinian citizens of Israel. The proposed limit on judicial power has drawn support from Jewish settlers and ultra-Orthodox leaders seeking to protect their respective interests. However, opponents argue that such measures threaten judicial independence and push the country toward autocracy.

The proposed judicial revisions provoked significant backlash since their introduction, leading to weeks of unprecedented street protests that have impacted the economy. The demonstrations led to a brief closure of Ben Gurion Airport, while reserve air force pilots boycotted training missions, raising concerns about military readiness.

In March, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu temporarily suspended the overall judicial revision package after a nationwide general strike and intensified public pressure. However, following failed compromise talks with opposition leaders and mounting pressure from hard-line ministers, Netanyahu has allowed a part of the plan to move forward.

The specific measure that garnered support seeks to eliminate the Supreme Court’s ability to override government actions that judges consider unreasonable. Critics argue that without a written constitution, the court’s reasonableness doctrine is one of the few checks on government power.

The far-reaching implications of overturning the court’s power of review could see the reinstatement of controversial appointments, such as ultra-Orthodox party leader Aryeh Deri. Furthermore, it could give the government greater authority to dismiss independent judicial officials, including Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

While supporters of the bill seek its passage before the summer recess, divisions have emerged within the ruling coalition itself. Some members, including those from Netanyahu’s Likud Party, have expressed caution, raising the possibility of voting against the bill’s final passage.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid believes that some coalition members, seeking to avoid further chaos and public backlash, may reconsider their support for the bill. Reports also suggest that Netanyahu may consider watering down the proposal to alleviate concerns, a move that has drawn criticism from conservatives who believe the bill should remain unchanged.

Amid the growing tensions, Israeli President Isaac Herzog has urged all parties to resume talks over a possible compromise package of judicial revisions. However, with the situation unfolding rapidly, the future of Israel’s judiciary and democratic values remains uncertain.

In the face of ongoing protests and mounting resistance, the Israeli government finds itself at a critical juncture, navigating the fine line between ensuring stability and safeguarding democratic principles.

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