ISSSTE promotes patient safety with these measures

by time news

2023-09-17 23:10:25

Improper care within a clinic or hospital can have legal consequences such as medical malpractice lawsuits.
Every September 17th, World Patient Safety Day is commemorated.
From emotional communication to correct signage within the units and safety in procedures are actions that are applied to prevent risks.

For any health institution there is a top priority and it is patient safety. Not only must the illness for which you came be treated, but also prevent hospital-acquired infections or other types of incidents that put you in danger. In this way, legal consequences against doctors and other workers are also prevented.

With this in mind, the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) He assured that one of his objectives is to monitor compliance with protocols by health personnel in care, treatment and care procedures provided to patients in the network of 1,115 medical units at the three levels. The purpose is for them to be safe environments for rights.

On the occasion of World Patient Safety Daywhich is commemorated every September 17, the head of the Institute highlighted that both medical units that offer outpatient services such as hospital clinics, general and regional hospitals and the “20 de Noviembre” National Medical Center, fulfill the legal obligation to implement Essential Actions for Patient Safety (EAESP) issued by the General Health Council (CSG) and the General Directorate of Quality and Health Education (DGCES).

World Patient Safety Day, what are its objectives?

AESP are barriers that reduce the risk of errors, unsafe acts and mitigate possible effects. They also promote clean care, simplify processes and improve communication between health professionals between areas and shift changes.

Main Essential Actions for Patient Safety applied by the ISSSTE

Patient Identification Measures. Full name and date of birth, indicators that are included in all documents generated during the process. They are also identified with a bracelet and bedside card, including the hemodialysis, dialysis, chemotherapy and short-stay surgery rooms.
Effective communication. A log was implemented to record verbal and/or emergency indications, which health personnel must listen to, repeat, confirm and transcribe. Added to this measure is the technique called situation, background, evaluation and recommendations (SAER), during the internal or external transfer of patients and at each shift change. Also, a log is kept to record results and/or critical values ​​in clinical laboratories, pathology, endoscopy and imaging.
Safety in the medication process. High-risk medications (cytotoxics, radiopharmaceuticals, insulins, anticoagulants and concentrated electrolytes) and medications with a similar appearance or name (LASA) are marked and separated. In the case of high-risk medications, double verification is carried out and documented before their preparation and administration; In addition, it is confirmed if there is the presence of allergies.
Safety in procedures. Policies for surgical marking of areas to be intervened are applied; There is a checklist for the certainty of the surgery considering its phases and time out; the latter, for all those invasive, critical and/or high-risk procedures that are performed outside the operating room.
Reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). It focuses on the Comprehensive Hand Hygiene Program, with a continuous training schedule, timely management of supplies and equipment for hand hygiene, as well as water quality control.
Reduction of the risk of harm to the patient due to falls. For this point, the evaluation of the Downton fall risk scale is applied to all patients from the first moment they request medical service. In addition, it is reevaluated at each change of shift or area, about which patients and family members are informed, and about the measures taken by the unit to reduce and document it.
Reporting and analysis of sentinel events, adverse events and near misses. It operates with an adverse event reporting format with the objective of promoting a fair, non-punitive culture and has implemented a Second Victims Care Program.
Promotes a culture of patient safety among health personnel. It does this by administering an annual, confidential patient safety culture survey to all medical and nursing staff.

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World Patient Safety Day, what are its objectives?

#ISSSTE #promotes #patient #safety #measures

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