ISSSTE surprises by obtaining Gold Certification in labor equality

by time news

2023-06-09 22:00:36

  • Currently, ISSSTE occupies the number one position in labor equality and non-discrimination at the national level.
  • The initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres) and the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred).
  • The Tacuba General Hospital in Mexico City is the only one of the Institution that has a double certification from UNICEF.

Through a statement on Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) announced that it obtained the Gold Certification from Mexican Standard NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015. It is the reference to Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination promoted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres) and the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred).

Said certification is a voluntary adoption mechanism to recognize the work centers that have practices in terms of employment equality and non-discrimination. One of its objectives is to promote the integral development of workers.

ISSSTE is a national leader in labor equality

Based on the above, ISSSTE now has Gold level certification in seven directions, four regional representations, 31 state representations, the National Medical Center (CMN) “20 de Noviembre”, 15 regional hospitals, the School of Dietetics and Nutrition ( EDN), the Professionalization Unit and the National School of Nursing and Research (ENEI), as well as the General Directorate.

With another 103 public, private and social work centers established in the country that obtained Gold certification —out of 583 in total—, ISSSTE is placed in the number one position in labor equality and non-discrimination, with 104,717 workers accredited in 2022, with a rating of 95 out of 100, informed the general director, Pedro Zenteno Santaella.

The holder recalled that, in August of last year, the agency began the process for the recertification of the Mexican Standard NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015 on Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination. With this, a benefit could be achieved for almost 14 million beneficiaries.

The deputy director of Attention to the beneficiary and president of the Commission for Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination of the ISSSTELaura Muy Roldán, highlighted that the certification achieved is a great achievement, especially due to the broad participation of the institute to achieve it.

He reaffirmed the permanent commitment of the ISSSTE with respect for human rights, and with the conditions of equality between women and men to which we are all entitled.

Other recent ISSSTE achievements

For its part, just at the end of 2022, ISSSTE made history because one of its hospitals obtained a double certification of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef).

In this case it is the Tacuba General Hospital of Mexico City and it was all thanks to her work to promote breastfeeding. Having this certification represents an incentive for the hospital because it promotes maintaining breastfeeding as the primary and exclusive food during the first six months of life, which reduces the risk of suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, obesity, and favors a healthier life, compared to who are fed with formula milk.

Also read:

ISSSTE is recognized for promoting labor equality among its staff

ISSSTE asks doctors to end discrimination based on sexual orientation

This is the first ISSSTE hospital to obtain a double certification from UNICEF

#ISSSTE #surprises #obtaining #Gold #Certification #labor #equality

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