ISSSTE turns abandoned warehouse into a center to train residents

by time news

2023-12-06 01:00:20

In addition to patient care, ISSSTE It also has as a priority the training of residents. It is a topic of great relevance due to the shortage of specialists that the country has. It is even one of the issues for which extraordinary measures have been taken, such as increasing the number of places in the ENARM.

According to the Ministry of Health (SSa), at least 200 thousand doctors are required in Mexico to comply with the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Of this figure, it is estimated that 77 thousand correspond to specialists.

ISSSTE promotes the training of residents

With the above in mind, the medical director of the ISSSTERamiro López Elizalde, indicated that the training of human resources is one of the fundamental issues for the current administration.

As an example, he said that an underused and abandoned space was rescued to convert it into the “Vesalius” Surgical Anatomy Training Center. Among its characteristics, it has 11 workstations equipped with microscopes, as well as equipment and instruments with the latest endoscopic and microsurgical technology to strengthen the training of otorhinolaryngologists, head and neck surgeons, neurosurgeons, hemodynamicists, ophthalmologists, orthopedists, urologists, among others. .

In the past this space was filled with piles of useless objects. Therefore, it was remodeled, cleaned, painted and restored to convert it into the current center that allows the creation of simulation conditions in surgical procedures in a laboratory and a scenario that is closest to reality, through anatomical models in a classroom with 3D technology.

“Our goal is the continuous training of 900 highly specialized surgeons, professionals, paramedics, nurses and more than five thousand highly specialized a year.”

ISSSTE triples the number of places available for residents

He also highlighted that for the ISSSTE Education is a priority, which is why the number of clinical fields was increased by more than 250 percent. With this, we went from two thousand 700 residents to six thousand 988 for training specialist doctors.

On the other hand, to increase its capacity the Institute has also increased its workforce. Just a few days ago the call was launched to hire medical, nursing and administrative personnel.

To date, it has advanced 62 percent in the coverage of assigned places. Said in figures, of a total of 11,570, 7,212 have already been delivered in 28 different entities.

In a breakdown, 955 are specialists, 720 from the medical branch, 3,233 from nursing and 2,304 from operations.

How were the places distributed in the ISSSTE?

Aguascalientes – 50 Baja California – 175 Baja California Sur – 155 Campeche – 17 Chiapas – 101 Chihuahua – 269 Mexico City – 2,929 Coahuila – 249 Colima – 79 Mexico State – 20 Guanajuato – 133 Hidalgo – 115 Jalisco – 223 Michoacán – 209 Morelos – 105 Nayarit – 549 Nuevo Leon – 136 Oaxaca – 180 Puebla – 60 Queretaro – 77 San Luis Potosí – 92 Sonora – 68 Tabasco – 548 Tamaulipas – 159 Tlaxcala – 4 Veracruz – 345 Yucatan – 89 Zacatecas –

For its part, the call to hire personnel remains open. It is now required to fill work spaces in the six new medical units that ISSSTE is building in Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Coahuila, Guerrero, Jalisco and Tamaulipas. All interested parties can consult the following link.

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