“It could be a new pathogen”

by time news

2023-11-23 17:34:47

The boom in respiratory infections among children in China “is worrying” in the eyes of Arnaldo Caruso, president of the Italian Virology Society (Siv-Isv). Having “many children hospitalized with outbreaks of pneumonia is certainly not normal – he explains to time.news Salute – and even without restrictions due to Covid, a similar fact had never been seen before. Pneumonia from Mycoplasma, or from other bacterial or viral agents known, do not cause similar selective epidemics in children. We will see how the situation evolves, but we will probably have to start thinking that something new is cooking.” A new microorganism? “Probably yes”, replies the expert: “An emerging pathogen – he hypothesizes – or re-emerging, with greater aggression than the original strain”.

“Fortunately at the moment it does not seem that these pneumonias are associated with high mortality”, highlights the number one Italian virologist, professor of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology at the University of Brescia, director of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Asst Spedali Civili. “But – he adds – it is still too early to say”.

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