It destroys the liver, confuses the brain, sabotages immunity, clogs arteries, kills cells and nerves, damages the colon

by time news

It destroys the liver, confuses the brain, sabotages immunity, clogs arteries, kills cells and nerves, damages the colon

The blessing and health of the body is one’s responsibility, which one will ask about later, and that eating what is harmful to health shortens the life of the person and wastes his energy quickly without realizing, because the body needs many nutrients, minerals and vitamins in proportionate quantities in order to continue life.

Foods that may cause liver damage

We show you what should be avoided and avoided for the sake of the health and safety of the individual, as follows:

  • Completely refrain from taking narcotics and painkillers.
  • Completely abstain from alcohol in all its few and many proportions.
  • Minimize fast food that contains hydrogenated oils.
  • Foods that contain preservatives.
  • Foods that contain artificial materials such as colours.
  • Stay away from foods of unknown origin and ingredients.
  • Reducing sugars in the diet.
  • It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of caffeine.
  • Avoid eating items that use oils and margarine.

Ways to maintain the body and enhance its immunity

We offer you some tips that will help you to have a healthy body and strong immunity, by implementing the following:

  • Whereas, home-made foods must be eaten.
  • Also, to boost immunity, you need to eat vegetables and fruits as secondary meals between the main meals.
  • Consult a doctor once every half a year, i.e. every six months, in order to check on general health.
  • Consuming minerals and vitamins that the body needs on an ongoing basis.
  • Exercising on a daily basis and going to the gym on a weekly basis.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep the body hydrated.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle, such as getting up early and going to bed early.
  • Persistence in worship is one of the most important components of strengthening immunity.
  • One of the most important tips is that it is necessary to adhere to a daily routine for body care and relaxation.

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