“It doesn’t surprise me, it’s almost natural” | Pichetto on the possible LLA-PRO alliance – 2024-02-11 17:03:54

by times news cr

2024-02-11 17:03:54

Deputy Miguel Ángel Pichettopresident of the bloc We make Federal Coalition, He said this Sunday that you are not “surprised” the possible formation of a political alliance between La Libertad Avanza (LLA) and the PROconsidering that this eventual unity would allow the ruling party to “strengthen” itself at the head of the Executive and in Congress, especially after the defeat suffered by the omnibus law.

If it makes an alliance with the PRO, it would be interesting for the Government to strengthen itself at the level of Congress, where it has a very minority structure in both chambers and in the Executive. The alliance is convenient for them,” said Pichetto in statements to Radio Splendid.

For the legislator, “it is almost natural that this unity agreement occurs,” and he recalled in that sense that Former president Mauricio Macri and the PRO “played in favor” of Javier Milei in the runoff in which he wonlast November 19.

“I’m not surprised that they are close or speaking to be able to expand the support base of the Government,” added the leader and former Macri running mate in 2019.

This possible agreement with the PRO, Pichetto analyzed, “gives the Government” the opportunity to “consolidate the parliamentary majority”, a key condition, he said, “to govern for four years.”

It is important to do so and not break with some sectors that were allies and with which there were nuances and differences.which should not have been resolved at the level of controversy,” said Pichetto.

The president of the Hacemos Coalión Federal bloc, the bench made up of legislators from the Cambio Federal, Coalión Cívica and Hacemos por Córdoba parties, He asked the Government to “de-dramatize” the brakes suffered in Congress by the ‘Bases’ bill, and “find a path of dialogue and positive construction in Argentina”.

“We must get out of this plane of confrontation that does not serve the Government. Argentina needs tranquility and find a path of peace and dialogue. The Government must build a majority in the chambers of Deputies and Senators to be able to govern. If the bridges are broken it is difficult to build that majority“he concluded.

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