It gets complicated again: Trump lost in court and will pay a fine of one million dollars

by time news

It gets complicated again: The US Federal Court today (Friday) ordered the former US President, Donald Trump, to pay a fine of more than 937 thousand dollars, for a “frivolous lawsuit” he filed against Hillary Clinton, other individuals and organizations. This, after he claimed that they tried to harm him in the 2016 presidential elections.

Trump filed the lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee and other organizations, alleging that they conspired against him to harm him in the 2016 election, with what he called “false claims about his ties to Russia.” In the ruling, the judge said that the lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and dozens of the former president’s political opponents “was brought in bad faith and for an improper purpose.” The federal judge in Florida ordered the former president to pay the astronomical amount for a “frivolous” lawsuit against dozens of politicians, including the former deputy head of the FBI, who opened the intelligence investigation for the connection between Trump and Russia.

Hillary Clinton (Photo: Reuters)

The judge also chided Trump for often using the US justice system as a “weapon” against business rivals and former partners, as well as journalists. The current trial is a setback for the former president, who is dealing with a wide range of legal issues and criminal investigations. District Court Judge Donald Middlebrook wrote in the 46-page ruling that “the case should never have come to court. The incompatibility with the legal claim was clear from the start, no lawyer would have filed it, in any of the sections of the complaint, which was intended for a political purpose , no recognized legal claim was made.”

The judge added that “Trump repeatedly uses the courts to take revenge on political opponents. He is the mastermind behind the abuse of the legal process, and he cannot be seen as a litigant who blindly follows the advice of his lawyers. He knows very well the impact of his actions.” The judge also noted that “Trump’s lawsuit was brought in bad faith for an inappropriate purpose and unnecessarily harmed 31 individuals and organizations, including the Democratic National Committee, whom he sued in order to improperly promote a political narrative. Trump’s use of the courts helped undermine the The public’s trust in them.” According to him, “a continuous pattern of abuse of the courts by Trump and his lawyers, undermines the rule of law and presents the judges in a negative light.”

Last November, Judge Mildbrook fined Trump’s lawyers $50,000 and ordered them to pay the fees of one of the defendants. The judge then warned the former president’s lawyers that their actions may also attract the attention of the bureau and the authorities.

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