It gets so hot in Germany

by time news

Zu At the beginning of the new week, meteorologists expect a heat wave in Germany. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), it will reach its peak of up to 40 degrees on Tuesday.

On Monday there are widespread highs of 30 to 35 degrees. “In the west, 37, maybe 38 degrees are possible. In the northeast, on the other hand, it stays a little cooler at 25 to 30 degrees,” said DWD meteorologist Marco Manitta on Sunday. Sunny conditions are to be expected most of the time. Only from Schleswig-Holstein to Western Pomerania do dense clouds pass through at times, it was said.

Danger level in North Rhine-Westphalia

Lows of between 19 and 11 degrees are to be expected on Tuesday night. In metropolitan areas in the west and south-west and at medium altitudes, temperatures could also be above 20 degrees at night. On Tuesday, temperatures will reach over 35 degrees, in the west even up to 40 degrees, it said. Sunshine is expected all day. It will remain mild on Wednesday night.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, with expected temperatures of up to 40 degrees, concern about the health of old and sick people is growing. Nature is also suffering: the German Weather Service has declared the highest danger level for forest fires for large parts of the Rhineland.

In Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, the maximum temperatures on Monday are between 32 and 37 degrees and up to 30 degrees in the higher mountains. It will be sunny and free of precipitation. In the night to Tuesday, the temperatures usually drop to 19 to 14 degrees, in metropolitan areas and in the middle mountains it stays around 20 degrees warm.

Tuesday will be sunny and dry again, temperatures will peak at 35 to 39 degrees and up to 33 degrees at high altitudes. On the Moselle, Saar and Rhine, 40 degrees cannot be ruled out locally, it said. On Wednesday night it will be mild again, with lows of 23 to 17 degrees and sometimes 15 degrees in the Eifel.

On Wednesday, the DWD expects variable to heavy cloud cover and some areas with showers or thunderstorms, some of which could be severe. The temperatures reach a maximum of 28 to 33 degrees, in the higher parts of the Eifel 26 degrees.

Also in Berlin and Brandenburg high temperatures

The people in Berlin and Brandenburg also have to be prepared for particularly high temperatures. As reported by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Potsdam, the temperatures will rise from 21 to 25 degrees on Sunday to 27 to 30 degrees on Monday and between 32 and 36 degrees on Tuesday. For the middle of the week, even maximum values ​​between 33 and 38 degrees are predicted.

The sky, which was still overcast on Sunday, will increasingly clear up in the coming days. Especially Tuesday will be sunny. On Wednesday evening clouds will gather again from the west and between Prignitz and Havelland showers, thunderstorms with heavy rain, squalls and hail are not excluded.

According to the DWD, up to 37 degrees will be reached in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt on Tuesday, and a little less in Saxony and especially in the low mountain ranges. “On Wednesday, the focus of the heat in Saxony is up to 38 degrees,” explained Oehmichen. In the evening the risk of showers and thunderstorms will increase slightly. From Thursday onwards, temperatures will drop slightly to around 30 degrees. Towards the coming weekend it will be a little cooler and more pleasant with changeable weather.

A cold front then arrives on Wednesday, cooling things down a bit in the west. Highs of 29 to 32 degrees are expected there. In the east it will remain very hot with highs of 34 to 39 degrees.

It is unclear whether rain is expected on Wednesday. So far, the weather forecast has indicated local showers and thunderstorms, but not widespread rainfall. “The great drought and the sometimes very high risk of forest fires continue,” said Manitta.

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